“Islamophobia” is Working ~ For Us

Do you ever feel alone when you speak out against Islam? If so I understand, but do not fret because what you are doing is working and I have proof of it. Not long ago prominent Muslims Ilhan Omar and Mehdi Hassan complained that they were getting exhausted combating “Islamophobia”, and today we see that some Muslims in Canada are complaining about “Islamophobia” as well. This is besides that recent push backs against Islam in Minnesota, Germany India, and the UK. (Note: Muslims scream Islamophobia in a selfish attempt to silence critics of Islam.)

Tired of Canada’s rising Islamophobia, this Toronto family is leaving the country

“It’s no longer liveable or a desirable place to be, at least not like it used to be,” the popular Salehs of YouTube say.

For Toronto couple Sana and Will Saleh, the itch to move out of Canada with their three young children somewhere all the way across the world has been growing over the years. But it’s become impossible to ignore since the latest Israel-Palestine conflict began in October 2023.

The couple, who are Muslim, have been victims of Islamophobia before, but they say it has only gotten worse in the past seven months. Explaining the moment they knew they had to leave, Sana recalls a November incident: “We were on the way with our young children to a Palestine protest, and an older white woman walked past us and said, ‘You are all terrorists!’ Our kids took notice and we had to explain to them that she did not know any better, and we were simply protesting for human rights, [which] is something they should take pride in.”

There are two things here. The first is that I do not support anyone making such comments to children. The second being that many of the Israel vs. Palestine protests have been hostile environments. Meaning that they should not be taking their children there in the first place.

“Canada has a serious underlying racism problem,” says Will, adding that they officially decided to make the move in November, just after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaffirmed Canada’s longstanding support for Israel. “That is when we looked at each other and said, ‘We need to go.’ Within a few months, we were all booked and ready to leave. It was the last straw for us.

Despite the fact that the Saleh family is highly popular they are just like other Muslim propagandists that I have exposed.

Playing the Muslim victim card as they attempt to mislead the public on the cause of the Israel vs. Palestine conflict. Which is Islam. Not racism.

Canadian family has eyes of Malaysia. Here’s why

Link to Article

Works for me, and the West will be that much better off. Yes, all “cultures” do not mix.

Whether they are prominent Muslims like the Saleh family, or your everyday Mo I feel it is my duty to expose their Islamocons. Which is why we need to make Logan’s Warning the go to site in the information war with Islam. You can help make that happen by making a one time or monthly contribution via the site today. Thank you.