Tag: Free speech

“Islamophobia” is Working ~ For Us

Do you ever feel alone when you speak out against Islam? If so I understand, but do not fret because what you are doing is working and I have proof of it.

Logan’s Warning Threatened With “Islamophobic” Lawsuit

Speak out against Buddhism, and it’s OK. Speak out against Christianity, and it’s OK. Speak out against Judaism, and that is OK as well. Speak out against Islam and it’s a whole different ballgame though. When a person criticizes any or all of those first religions is it basically shrugged off. When a person criticizes “the religion of peace” all hell breaks loose! Ranging from cyber-threats, to physical threats, to threats to your freedom of speech. This one coming from US Imam, Gareth Bryant. An America hating Imam who proudly supports 8 to 12 years old children being married off because they have reached puberty.

Muslim Comment of the day #4 ~ Intimidation

In order to defeat Islam we need to understand the Muslim mindset. Which is exactly why I started the “Muslim Comment of the day” series. In today’s Muslim comment of the day we see another attempt to silence me for exposing Islam. If Islam is no threat to non-Muslims why are Muslims so reluctant to discuss it?

Twitter Traitors Take an Aggressive Stand for Islam

The other night I decided to start another Twitter account and without even arguing with anyone the account lasted for just 57 minutes. Suspended again with no warning. The difference is that this time I received an email which explained exactly why I was suspended.

Logan’s Warning, Pamela Geller and CAIR.com

Looking for some online material in order to write an article, today I visited the site of the Council Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Unfortunately the first thing I noticed was another victory for the 5th Column Organization. Of…

Facebook Frauds!

In order to win the war with Islam, we need to win the information war with it. In an effort to do so the harsh realities of Islam must be brought to the forefront. Apparently these truths “offends” Team Facebook. Because yesterday I went on one of my accounts and simply posted the link to my latest article, “Saudi’s Attempt to Whitewash Islam ~ When Will the West Wake up?”

Logan’s Warning to Egypt’s President Morsi and Turkey’s PM Erdogan…

Recently marauding Muslims have taken to the streets in acts of rage in countries across the world, such as Canada, Libya, Pakistan, and Sudan. Besides those violent protests there have been more peaceful ones in Canada, Germany and the UK. Some say the reason for the outrage was over a film entitled the “Innocence of Muslims”. But the film itself is not what this is really about it, and violent or not, the message is the same. It is about self-centered, Mohammad protecting, Allah serving Muslims trying to bully non-Muslims into accepting another aspect of Islamic Law. It is about them trying to dictate what non-Muslims can and cannot say within the realm of free speech. Their end game is the complete censorship of the criticism of Islam. Which would eventually amount to a death blow to America herself.