I think it is safe to say that most of the readers here know that I am against Muslim immigration. I am against it because Muslims have turned our freedoms into a tool of Islam, and our slowly changing the country to suit Islam. If we do not end their immigration it is just a matter of time until we lose this war, because they will never stop pushing. Today I am posting a video that shows the English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson, driving through a Muslim area in the UK. Watch the “red carpet” treatment our infidel friend receives….
Month: April 2012
This Sunday ~ University of Missouri-Kansas City ~ Promoting Islam!
Once again we see that Muslims do not have to be anywhere near the majority to change the country to suit Islam. The reason being is because they know exactly where to target. Our education system, our government, the media, and Pentagon.
This time our “friends” from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), are using the University of Missouri-Kansas City to help spread their message. A message that if not stopped, will eventually destroy America from within.
UPDATE: Muslims Rent out Sports Arena for MEGA Interfaith IslamoCON!!
This is a quick update on the “Muslims Rent out Sports Arena for MEGA Interfaith IslamoCON!!” exclusive story. The first thing is that the link to the article has been Tweeted to (by numerous infidels), and posted on the Facebook page of the backstabber of America, Republican Congressman Michael Grimm of NY’s 13Th District (Staten Island). As of now he has not responded, and it appears he might just duck the issue.
Logan’s Warning Exclusive: Muslims Rent out Sports Arena for MEGA Interfaith IslamoCON!!
The other day when I posted the “Logan’s Warning Exclusive ~ the Pakistan Post ~ in on the Free Market Jihad ~ Photo Essay”, I knew some people would be like “this is no big deal”. Well it is a big deal as it is another inroad for Islam to seep into America, and the information that was in the paper turned out to be a very big deal! One of the most potent weapons that Muslims have is the IslamoCON, and information obtained from the Pakistani Post shows us what might just be the mother of all IslamoCONs!
Happy Easter Friends! Christians Take to the Streets of NYC ~ Videos
One thing I have noticed in the city lately, is that I am seeing more and more Christians becoming more visible by preaching on the streets.
Logan’s Warning Exclusive ~ the Pakistan Post ~ in on the Free Market Jihad ~ Photo Essay
I was not planning on doing any reporting tonight, but while walking through the city something caught my eye, and it was not this:
France: Deportations of Muslims has Started!
It’s about time!! After years of appeasing Muslims and letting them slowly slowly destroy the West from within, France wakes up and starts deporting Muslims. An action that myself and a few others have been in favor of for years.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is in America: Holding Meeting in Secret Location Tomorrow With US Islamic Organization!
Yes that’s right! The Muslim Brotherhood, whose goal is Islamic world domination, have actually been allowed into our great country! They are touring Washington DC, and will be holding a conference with the American organization, The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). MPAC is similar to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). They both bully and brainwash America to suit Islam. CAIR does a lot of bullying of businesses, and fights anti-Sharia bills in US Courts. MPAC has also fought anti-Sharia bills, and has been known to manipulate our government and media. Both organizations are subversive to America.
Belgium ~ Muslim Immigration & Birthrates ~ Destruction From Within ~ Video
Unfortunately there are still non-Muslims who do not support ending Muslim immigration, while I and many other realize that we infidels will eventually lose this war if Muslim immigration is not ended. Here is another video which proves my point. Please pay close attention from the 1:00 mark to the 1:50 mark, and listen to what the slave to Allah has to say about “moderate” Muslims…
If you Want to Live Under Sharia Law you do NOT Belong in America!
If you want to live under Sharia Law you do NOT belong in America!