Month: March 2017

Aposte Hirsi Ali: We Must Reach out to the Reformers

Or in Other Words, Let us Continue With the Islamicide of West

Back in March of 2015 Apostate Hirsi Ali, who I will call Apostate Ali, released a book entitled “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now”. In response I wrote a three part rebuttal. In it I exposed the fact that she has no answers. Just the usual fantasy of an Islamic reformation. As she is against banning the burqa, against banning all Muslim immigration, against the mass deportations of Muslims, and against banning the Koran.

The Clarion Project’s “Moderate” Muslim Money Maker

For years I have been warning the public about how The Clarion Project misleads the public on Islam. Even challenging their spokesperson Ryan Mauro to a debate on the issue.

Not only are they misleading America on Islam. They are also lining their pockets as they do so. Even asking President Trump for funding. As Just a few weeks ago Ryan Mauro appealed to the public that The President should financially aid Muslim groups that “fight Islamism”.

Name the Enemy or Lose the War ~ Logan’s Warning on The Captain’s AMERICA Radio Show

For years I have been saying that we must accurately identify the enemy ideology, or is it just a matter of time until we lose the war. Naming the enemy is exactly what I did on this past Friday morning’s Captain’s AMERICA Radio Show. Hosted by veteran Matt Bruce.

Besides that, even though the Koran states that Mohammad is the moral example to follow for all times.

Thursday: Information Failure Alert! Logan’s Warning on the Vito and Vito Show

I was very excited when Trump won the election, hoping it would be a turning point in the war with Islam. Which up till then had pretty much been a one sided war. As Islam has been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years.

Sahih Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:

It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.