Month: April 2023

Lunatic for Allah Slanders and runs From Debate ~ Audio

For those who are new to Logan’s Warning my two main objectives here are to expose the Muslim mindset and the threat of Islam itself. This article will focus on the former. The Muslim mindset. Which is a mindset of lies and deceit, and there is no better subject matter on this than Clubhouse’s Luton Azad Kashmiri 2.0. A lying lunatic for Allah who resides in the UK. One who runs his mouth and then runs from discussing Islam with me. #coward

Dowie the UK’s Quisling Convert ~ Exposed 1

One of the main reasons Islam continues to expanding the West is because as of now we as non-Muslims as a whole are failing in the information war with Muslims. On their side it is a misinformation war. This is where I come him. Once again exposing a seemingly well-meaning Muslim for the liar for Allah they are. You come in by sharing the articles.