Month: August 2012

ACT!’s Damage Control: They Cannot Defend Their “Moderate” Position, so They lie and Bash as they Hide in the Shadows…

As most of you know I am unapologetic in my stance against Brigitte Gabriel, Brooke Goldstein, Daniel Pipes, and Frank Gaffney, for misleading non-Muslims into believing “moderate” Muslims are going to come riding in on their white horses, and save America from Islamic conquest. It is just a fantasy based on wishful thinking. A line of thinking that Pipes has been pushing for a long time now.

ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel, $elling America a Bridge to Nowhere!

Well unfortunately the Queen of False Hope, Brigitte Gabriel, is back to doing her thing. Spreading false hope and censoring those who call her on her “moderate” Muslims are coming to the rescue nonsense. After my last encounter with ACT! in which the queen took a massive beating on FaceBook, and the fact that Zuhdi Jasser’s colleague Raquel Evita admitted to me that their “moderate” campaign has NO Mosque support, you would think Brigitte would be an adult and admit she was wrong.

Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….Part II

Hey infidels! I would just like to add a video follow-up to the “Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….” article. In the closing of the article I asked where Ali’s true loyalty lies, with America or the Koran? Between his attempts at intimidation, non-responses to me, and the following video, I’m going with the Koran. Maybe Ali would like to come here and prove me wrong?

Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….

Last week the insidious Islamic organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MAPC), once again used the freedoms of America against America, and held a teleconference on “Islamophobobia”. Muslims use the term “Islamophobia” as an attack tactic in an attempt to bully those who criticize Islam. What MPAC and other insidious Islamic organizations like CAIR do not tell you is that the term was born in Iran back in 1979 following the Islamic Revolution.

Muslim in America to Logan’s Warning: We WILL OVERTHROW the US Government!

As many of you know I engage in a lot of online conversations with Muslims. Basically most of them follow the same pattern. A Muslim is being deceptive to non-Muslims about Islam by only telling them only part of the story, or by flat out lying. (Their religion instructs them lie.) Then I expose their deception and lies. After that their response is to usually pull a Houdini and disappear from the conversation. But the conversation I had on YouTube with Jihadifanclub took a different turn.

Another Encounter With a Strange Christian Woman

Back in June of 2011 I posted a story entitled “The Strangest Thing Happened to me, an Encounter With a Christian Woman”. It was about a Christian woman I had encountered on a NY bus. She was preaching about Jesus and how Americans had moved away from Christianity. How our country needed to stick to its Judeo-Christian values. The strange thing about it was that she closed by looking at me and stating, “You’re different. You are my messenger!”.

The Islamic Prayer: Hatred in the Face of the Host!

Over and over many of us have seen infidels go out of their way to show respect for Islam. They do this in a belief that the gesture will be reciprocated. But that does not and will not happen, because when push comes to shove, Muslims stand with Islam above all. One of the ways non-Muslims go out of their way for Islam is to open their doors for Muslims to recite the Islamic prayer.