Tag: UK

Dowie the UK’s Quisling Convert ~ Exposed 1

One of the main reasons Islam continues to expanding the West is because as of now we as non-Muslims as a whole are failing in the information war with Muslims. On their side it is a misinformation war. This is where I come him. Once again exposing a seemingly well-meaning Muslim for the liar for Allah they are. You come in by sharing the articles.

UK Muslim to LW: You are Asking for Another 9/11

For years I have been warning my fellow American citizens to look towards the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Why? Because Muslims there are getting more and more brazen. Two of the latest examples of this are recent convert to Islam mega-influencer Andrew “Traitor” Tate threatening critics of Islam, and this unknown Muslim convert below who I spoke to on Clubhouse last night.

Logan’s Warning to Andrew Traitor Tate: Go and Martyr Yourself

Why does it have to come to this? Because as I have been saying, part of the Islamic playbook are the attempted acts of intimidation against those who bravely criticize Islam. Done in an effort to silence the critics of Islam. Because if we cannot even criticize the ideology of hatred and perversion, we certainly cannot defeat it. In other words never bow to these bullies.

UK Muslim Propagandist Ali Dawah’s Video Refuted Within Seconds

If you are new to the subject of Islam you might not realize that we are in a 1400 year-old war with the ideology. In other words a perpetual war with Muslims in their quest for Islam to dominate the world. As per Koran verses 3:83, 9:29, and 9:33.

UK Race Baiting Muslim Quisling Convert Attempts to Mislead the Public on Islam

Good afternoon friends. If you have read my last two articles you know that they were about a UK quisling convert named Paul Williams. A convert who praises martyrdom and the Muslim leader of the Armenian Massacres. Unfortunately today I have to expose another UK quisling convert. One who goes by the moniker “Dowie the White Muslim Fella. Essa”.

UK Quisling Convert Praises the Leader of the Armenian Massacres

Wait a second! How can this be?!?! I have been told over and over that Islam is a “religion” of peace”. I have been told over over that poverty is one of the main causes of Islamic terrorism. I have been told over and over that we need to respect Islam as a religion. Well here is what all of that advice has lead to.

UK Quisling Convert to Islam Praises Martyrdom

Unfortunately while there are Brits like Paul Weston, founder of the Liberty GB Party, who understand that Islam is a threat to non-Muslims, there are also British quislings like Paul Williams who treacherously join the cult of hatred and perversion. AKA Islam.

YouTube ~ UK Convert Quisling Hamza Runs From a Discussion on Islam

Friends, I have said over and over. We cannot win the war with Islam unless we win the information war against Muslim propagandists. Otherwise known as “Liars for Allah”. So here in my latest contribution to that cause. One that exposes the UK’s quisling and liar for Allah, Hamza. Of Hamza’s Den.

London Holds Muslim Golf Day

While this event might seem benign to most people it is certainly part of the malignant spread of the cancer of Islam. The reason being is that it creates an illusion that “normalizes” Islam in the UK. While getting non-Muslims to respect aspects of Islamic Law.