Tag: Palestine

Ilhan Omar & Daughter ~ Two Hate-filled Peas in a pod

This is the not the first time that I have written about the hateful twosome of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and her daughter Isra Hirsi. In a previous article one of the stands Isra took was for diversity. Which today we see apparently doesn’t include Israel.

Celebrity Wife: Muslims are “Here to Take Over”

Well this is huge Patriots and exactly what we need more of. Prominent names coming out against Muslim immigration while exposing the harsh reality of the Israel vs. Palestine conflict.

US Election: VP Muslim Running Mate Immediately Takes a Stand for Hamas

Yes friends, you have read that correctly. For the first time in the history of America we have Muslim on the Presidential ticket. This coming off the 2020 election in which “President” Biden held a historic pre-election Muslim only conference. Which was another first for America.

Yes! Let’s Discuss the Cause

For once I finally agree with a Muslim propagandist, and I am more than willing to discuss the cause of the conflict as Adan Rashid suggests in the short video below.

Muslims Bite Biden in the Ass

I have absolutely no love for Team Biden and I have absolutely no trust or respect for Muslims and Islam. Making this a clash of the two main enemies of America. The NWO and Islam.

US Hamas Supporters ~ Israeli Hostage Exchange Poll

Hi friends! I figured we would do something new here tonight at Logan’s Warning. If you are paying attention to the Israel vs Palestine conflict you probably know that there have been mass protests in America in support of the terror state of Palestine.

So Called Experts Empower Muslims via the Abraham Accords

To many people Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Frank Gaffney of the Center of Security Policy, Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch are seen as experts when it comes to the threat of Islam or what some of them mistakenly call Islamism or radical Islam.

Pamela Geller & Logan’s Warning “Discuss” the Abraham Accords

Do you remember several years ago when there was a conversation about illegal immigration across America? I do, and that is what needs to happen on the issue of Islam as well. Unfortunately the mainstream media is petrified to touch this issue. You would think that Pamela Geller would be willing to discuss it though.

Ben & Jerry’s Join the Jihad

Since we here at Logan’s Warning are on the topic of the violent jihad that is attacking Israel off and on, we now move onto the useful idiots of Ben & Jerry’s.

Palestinians Celebrate Son’s Death as Martyr Paid Ticket to Heaven ~ Video

Good afternoon friends, this article could have actually been filed under my “Muslim Comment of the day” series. The video is so alarming though and the fact that I am publishing a new segment for that series later or tomorrow I have decided to do this one as a stand alone article instead.