Tag: Misinformation

Dr. Sabeel Ahmed: Islam is Perfect

As I have stated, in order to win the war with Islam we need to win the war against Muslim propagandists and their 24/7 misinformation machine. One of most prominent operators of that machine is Dr. Sabeel Ahmed of Gain Peace.

Sabeel Ahmed/Gain Peace Watch: Is Islam’s Allah the God of Judaism & Christianity?

Unfortunately much of today’s mainstream media plays a huge role in the war with Islam. The role of empowering the enemy ideology of Islam because the media rarely challenges Muslim propagandists. So of course Muslim misinformation agents will gladly exploit the ignorance and cowardice of the media, and or use their own social media pages to do so as Sabeel Ahmed does. Recently posting YouTube video shorts. Sometimes a few a day.

Tampa Florida: Mega-Mosque Conquest Over Former Church

If you follow my site you most likely know that Islam is an ideology of conquest. Calling for the dominance over non-Muslims whether they like it or not. Which shows that Muslims do not respect the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims no matter how much they say they do.

UK Muslim Propagandist Ali Dawah’s Video Refuted Within Seconds

If you are new to the subject of Islam you might not realize that we are in a 1400 year-old war with the ideology. In other words a perpetual war with Muslims in their quest for Islam to dominate the world. As per Koran verses 3:83, 9:29, and 9:33.

UK Race Baiting Muslim Quisling Convert Attempts to Mislead the Public on Islam

Good afternoon friends. If you have read my last two articles you know that they were about a UK quisling convert named Paul Williams. A convert who praises martyrdom and the Muslim leader of the Armenian Massacres. Unfortunately today I have to expose another UK quisling convert. One who goes by the moniker “Dowie the White Muslim Fella. Essa”.

Pamela Geller & Logan’s Warning “Discuss” the Abraham Accords

Do you remember several years ago when there was a conversation about illegal immigration across America? I do, and that is what needs to happen on the issue of Islam as well. Unfortunately the mainstream media is petrified to touch this issue. You would think that Pamela Geller would be willing to discuss it though.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation Islamocons the World

Every once in awhile someone asks me why we as non-Muslims are currently losing the war with Islam. My response is basically the same every time. There are two main reasons and the first is that we are fighting a 24/7 endlessly funded Islamic propaganda machine. The main perpetrators of this crime against humanity is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

PJ Media ~ Spreading False Hope and Misinformation on Islam and Israel

I have said it over and over, and will continue to do so. We cannot win the war with Islam if we cannot win the war against Muslim propagandists. Which is an endless war. Now to make matters worse the supposedly conservative PJ Media has followed in the footsteps of Rebel News and is aiding the enemy by misleading the public on Islam itself.

Logan’s Warning Takedown of Ahmayoh’s bro ~ Debate Part l

Yesterday I woke up to some more Logan’s Warning fan mail. The email was an incredibly poor attempt to refute some of the points I make on Islam. Apparently Ahmayoh’s bro (AB)(UK) believes that the word “refute” means to misrepresent me and blatantly lie. That comes as no surprise though, as his hero Mohammad said it was OK for Muslims to lie.

Robert Spencer & Daniel Pipes Team up to $ell the Public False Hope

Unfortunately in the “anti-jihad” movement there are two camps. Which I have dubbed the “fantasy-$ellers”, and the “truth-tellers”. For years two of main purveyors of false hope have been The Clarion Project, and Daniel Pipe’s Middle East Forum. Now unfortunately who I used to call the Dynamic Duo, Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, have over the years turned into the Delusional Duo.