Tag: Misinformation

North American Infidels Debating Tactics #4 ~ Mohammad’s “Rules” of Warfare Defeated!

When I first started my crusade against Islam, an editor of an online publication told me to make sure to add a picture or two to each article. That the graphics will make the article more effective. I believe he was correct, and apparently so do Muslims. Because a lot of their propaganda comes in the form of picture.

The latest one going around the Internet is “Mohammad’s Commands in Wars”. A debating tactic that will now be refuted.

Muslim Propagandist Affairs Council (MPAC) Knows Just Where to Strike!

Many times critics of mine have told me that Muslims are nowhere near the majority of America, so there is nothing to worry about. But the truth is that Muslims do not have to be anywhere near the majority of country, to change it to suit Islam. They just have to target three main areas. Our educational system, government, and media. To that we can also add using Hollywood as a propaganda tool, and the Islamic interfaith con.

Media Failure Alert! How ISIS is Fueled by the Koran

In a recent Associated Press article a Muslim Imam exploited the author’s ignorance, and told him that IS is “spreading perverted version of Islam”. Along with another major lie about Mohammad. Today I will do one of the most important things we can do in the information war with Islam, counter his false claims.

Pittsburgh Post ~ Gazette’s Whitewashing of Islam ~ Rebuked!

Just this morning I was telling a European supporter of North American Infidels that the media is one of our main targets next year. (That is NOT a threat of violence.) But since so much of the treacherous media cannot stop itself from trying to sugarcoat the threat of Islam, I have been forced to pick up the pace of our media rebuttals before the New Year.

Brigitte Gabriel: Islam is a Religion of Peace!

I really do not want to write articles like this, but as I have stated even those who are supposed to be on our side are not being straight with the public on Islam. So I have no choice.

Today ACT! held a conference in Washington D.C., and Brigitte had been Tweeting about it. Here is her terribly irresponsible, ideology of the enemy, protecting Tweet on Islam.

North American Infidels Media Failure Alert: Right Wing News

As I have stated, in order to win the war with Islam we must win the information war. To do so we must expose the deception and lies of the Muslim misinformation machine. But there is more to it than that. We also must counter the leftist media’s whitewashing of Islam.

I wish I could tell you that is where it ends, but I cannot. Unfortunately we even have to counter the misinformation provided on some conservative based sites as well. One such site is Right Wing News.

ACT!’s Damage Control: They Cannot Defend Their “Moderate” Position, so They lie and Bash as they Hide in the Shadows…

As most of you know I am unapologetic in my stance against Brigitte Gabriel, Brooke Goldstein, Daniel Pipes, and Frank Gaffney, for misleading non-Muslims into believing “moderate” Muslims are going to come riding in on their white horses, and save America from Islamic conquest. It is just a fantasy based on wishful thinking. A line of thinking that Pipes has been pushing for a long time now.