554 search results for "threat"

NY Islamic School: We are in an Un-Islamic Environment

Searching the Internet to further expose the internal threat of Islam, I found another Islamic school which is not happy with Muslims living in the “un-Islamic environment” of America. Other Mosques/schools that have echoed that call are in Philadelphia, and Houston. Ones in Buffalo and NJ have stated they have created their own Islamic environments. Like I have said, Muslims are not in non-Islamic countries to assimilate, they are in them to dominate.

NY: IDIOTS Firebomb Islamic Center ~ UPDATE in Comment Section

Now this is NOT the way to start off the new year in regards to the war with Islam! Yes Islam is at war with us, and smart infidels are at war with Islam in return. But when I say war, I do not mean a war of violence with Muslims in America. As idiotic violent actions like these attacks will only hurt us in the war with Islam. Islamic organizations like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), are going to take this act and run with it as long as they can. Besides CAIR, Muslims already have the ear of US authority figures across the country. We do not need Islam to become more protected than it already is.

UK Muslima: I Want to Eradicate”Islamophobes”

Over the past 72 hours or so, I had a lengthy debate on Twitter with a “Muslima” in the UK. During the debate she called me a Nazi, but ignored the fact that Islam and Nazism share a profound hatred of Jews. While I support the Jewish people. She also threatened to sue me for reposting one of her Tweets on Facebook, and went on and on with insults, but could not refute a thing I stated about her religion.

Logan’s Warning Exclusives/Year in Review/Support the Team!

Good morning infidel team!! As we are closing out a year in which the tide has clearly started to turn against Islam, we here at Logan’s Warning would like to thank you for all of your past and future support. We would also like to post the year in review of Logan’s Warning exclusive reports, and ask that you please become a monthly contributor, or make a generous one-time donation. Even just $10 helps the anti-Islam cause. We are willing to lay our lives on the line by stepping into the belly of the beast, and your financial support goes a long way in uncovering the stories the mainstream media will not touch! Please make your contribution today via the PayPal logo on the site, or by sending a check or money order to “Christopher Logan”. The mailing address is: P.O. Box 313336, Jamaica, NY 11431. Thank you very much! Happy Holidays, and a great New Year!

IGNORANT California St. Senator Ted Lieu to Speak at “Islamophobia” Conference!

Obviously over the past few days most of you have read about the verbal war going on, over Lowes pulling their ads from the failure of a show “All-American Muslim”. Stepping into the fray is the useful idiot St. Senator of California Ted Lieu. Like his master Islamophile Dictator Obama, Ted is another out of control power freak who has threatened Lowes with legal action. So over the past 2 days or so, I and many others anti-Islamic teammates have been speaking to Lieu via Twitter. Doing so clearly exposed his ignorance, and treacherous actions to our non-Islamic country!

Idiot of the day…….

As most of you know I rarely insult anyone here. But you have to be a complete idiot to threaten someone in writing. This comment was posted in the “Taliban” Gangsta Rapper Vinnie Paz Runs From a Debate on Islam…” thread. Apparently Patrick has a man-crush on Vinnie. That’s OK, it’s his choice.