554 search results for "threat"

How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?

Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign.

For over 10 years I have been speaking out against the threat of Islam. When I first started, I remember numerous non-Muslims telling me that I should not say Islam itself is the problem. To use the term “Islamofascism” (which I admittedly did use for a short period of time), or “radical Islam”. Another popular term is “Islamism”. I did not really care for using the term “Islamofascism”, as in the back of my mind I knew Islam itself was the problem. After awhile I decided to go against the wishes of many friends and go with the truth. The truth being that Islam itself is the problem!

Logan’s Warning Exclusive: Muslims Rent out Sports Arena for MEGA Interfaith IslamoCON!!

The other day when I posted the “Logan’s Warning Exclusive ~ the Pakistan Post ~ in on the Free Market Jihad ~ Photo Essay”, I knew some people would be like “this is no big deal”. Well it is a big deal as it is another inroad for Islam to seep into America, and the information that was in the paper turned out to be a very big deal! One of the most potent weapons that Muslims have is the IslamoCON, and information obtained from the Pakistani Post shows us what might just be the mother of all IslamoCONs!

Logan’s Warning Exclusive: Non-Muslims Take to the Streets to Protest Interfaith Con! ~ Video

For years myself and many others here have been speaking out against the suicidal interfaith conferences, that are held between Christians, Jews, and Muslims who are conning them into believing that Islam is non-Muslim friendly.

On Wednesday evening a Logan’s Warning correspondent was planning on attending one of these events.

ACT! to Logan’s Warning: We do NOT Advocate Ending Muslim Immigration

I was really not planning on doing another article on ACT! so soon, but the pubic needs to know just how weak-kneed the upper echelon of ACT! really is. Besides Brigitte Gabriel being on a two day banning binge on Facebook, last night another ACT! spokesperson dropped by and proved that ACT!, does not have the answers to the solve the problem of Islam in America. In fact some of their policies will actually make things worse.

ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel Calls Critics of Jasser Bigots!

In my last article on ACT! we saw that the leaders do not like to be criticized, over their weak stance of promoting so called “moderate Muslim” Zuhdi Jasser. Well now Brigitte “the Queen of False Hope” Gabriel, took her defense of Jasser to a whole new level. A level that clearly has the public turning on her! Last night Dawn Ellen an anti-Sharia sister of mine on Facebook, posted information on my wall stating Gabriel was actually deleting comments criticising ACT! and their support of Jasser. To make matters even worse, Brigitte Gabriel uses Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric against those who question her propping up of non-representative Muslim. Yes, that’s’ right. She called us hateful and dropped the bigot bomb! Wow!

Logan’s Warning to ACT!’S Brigitte Gabriel: Come Clean With America!

Most of the regulars here most likely know that I am no fan of the “moderate” Muslims, are coming to the rescue line of thinking. That strategy was tried in the UK, and it was a huge failure. If one takes an honest look at the situation, you will see that this line of thinking, is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Not only is it wishful thinking, it also spreads false hope in the war with Islam. The reality is that Islam is clearly on the move in America, and “moderate” Muslims are not coming to the rescue. It is past time that the non-Muslims of America realize this.

America Under Attack: Muslims Take on NYPD!

Over the years of debating with non-Muslims on whether there is a threat of Islam, I have heard plenty of excuses from Muslim/Islam apologists. One of them that has been repeatedly thrown at me, was that Muslims are nowhere near the majority. So they are not a threat. But that is far from the truth.