554 search results for "threat"

Comic Book Death Threats

In this short post we are going to take a lighter approach to the very serious threat of Islam and speaking out against it. Sure I have gotten plenty of death threats in past.

Fashion Dawah ~ the Threat

For those who don’t know what “dawah” means, it is the act of proselytizing when Muslims invite non-Muslims to accept Islam. Sure it sounds innocent. The reality is that it is far from it though. With the reason being that Muslims use dawah in an attempt to mislead non-Muslims on Islam. Even holding workshops on how to do so.

Logan’s Warning Threatened With “Islamophobic” Lawsuit

Speak out against Buddhism, and it’s OK. Speak out against Christianity, and it’s OK. Speak out against Judaism, and that is OK as well. Speak out against Islam and it’s a whole different ballgame though. When a person criticizes any or all of those first religions is it basically shrugged off. When a person criticizes “the religion of peace” all hell breaks loose! Ranging from cyber-threats, to physical threats, to threats to your freedom of speech. This one coming from US Imam, Gareth Bryant. An America hating Imam who proudly supports 8 to 12 years old children being married off because they have reached puberty.

“Religion of Peace” Threat of the day…

One thing I will give the demons for Allah is that they don’t take a day off. Unfortunately for them, I don’t give a damn what they want and will continue to expose their ideology of hatred and perversion. Islam.

Muslim NHL Player Threatens to Slash Throat of Opposing Player! Video

In the past I have stated that career choices of Muslims do not negate them from being part of the threat Islam is to us. Examples of this are when NBA legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar taking a stand for Islam and speaking out against “Islamophobia”. Another being Muslims who were doctors joining the violent jihad.

Tonight we see another example which proves me right, as NHL player and Muslim Nazem Kadri has threatened to slash the throat of an opposing player!

Logan’s Warning to Richard Dawkins ~ Christianity is NOT the Threat

When I first started speaking out against Islam I used to look up to the likes of Frank Gaffney, and Daniel Pipes. But after some time I realized that Frank’s call for an Islamic reformation, and Daniel’s age old slogan of “militant Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution” are just not working. In fact those calls are nothing more than detrimental false hope.