554 search results for "threat"

Muslim in Massachusetts Issues me a Death Threat!

In a steadfast effort to win the information war I refuse to back off on Islam or even become politically correct about it. But doing so can certainly bring some life-threatening results. It is just a price we must pay in order to save our future generations from the death or enslavement of Islamic rule.

While on Facebook yesterday I had posted the following status.

~ Brooklyn Neighborhood Alerted to Sharia Threat! ~

Early this morning, I was supposed to meet up with my anti-Sharia sister, Pamela Geller, at a Brooklyn Mosque construction site, but because of travel delays, our paths did not cross. Pamela did a terrific job of reporting the news from the site, and as part of my contribution, I left educational leaflets in the mailboxes of the surrounding houses.

GOP Team: Sharia is a Threat to America

It may be only a small portion of the Republican Party, but this is not the first time that GOP members have questioned how this war is being fought. Up until recently we barely heard a word about the threat of Sharia, but the sleeping giant of America is awakening. Keep up the good work guys, and never let up. Together we can ensure our families future generations, that this will never be an Islamic country!

Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey~ We Need to Face the Threat of Sharia~ Video

For years after 911 the comments that I read online about Islam, were overwhelmingly in support of the religion. But over the last few years that has changed, as more and more of us have been educated, and are speaking out against threat of Islam. Thankfully even some of our politicians are not following the company line that “Islam is a religion of peace”, and are fighting back against Sharia Law. First Louisiana banned Sharia from being used in their courts,, then Oklahoma Rep. Duncan called for a preemptive strike on Sharia, and today we learn that Lt. Governor Ramsey is willing to fight Sharia as well. Obviously we need a lot more politicians like him, so please contact him and let him know we are with him. His contact information can be found HERE.

Whining Pro-Sharia Muslim Threatens to Sue Me and More

Apparently the leader of the UK based Muslim Defence League is bit sensitive. It is OK when him and his crew post on their Facebook page about how much they hate Israel, and how the UK will fall to Sharia. But when a non-Muslim brings this to light like I did on this site, “MDL” gets his panties all twisted. This morning the pro-Sharia gang leader of the “MDL”, left the following comment on my site.

Muslim Threat on Logans Warning: Christians Your Time has Come

Here is another example of interfaith dialogue with Muslims, Logans Warning style. This threat is coming from Pakistan. Our so called “ally”

ABUBAKAR KHAN GURMANI 2010/07/02 at 10:15 am

you christians have no humanity. have u forgotten the time when we muslims conquered you people in history and did the mercy whom u can never show.
we muslims has always battle and ruling ethics and u ……….????

Muslim Applauds 911, Death of US Soldiers, Then Drops Threat!

It is clear that more people are speaking out against Islam, it is also clear that more and more Muslims, are not hiding their true hateful feelings towards non-Muslims. Today another “friendly” Muslim, dropped by my site and left this comment. There is not going to be any middle ground, it will be our way of life or Sharia. It is time to fight back. (All within the law, of course.)