Tag: Pamela Geller

So Called Experts Empower Muslims via the Abraham Accords

To many people Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum, Frank Gaffney of the Center of Security Policy, Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch are seen as experts when it comes to the threat of Islam or what some of them mistakenly call Islamism or radical Islam.

Pamela Geller & Logan’s Warning “Discuss” the Abraham Accords

Do you remember several years ago when there was a conversation about illegal immigration across America? I do, and that is what needs to happen on the issue of Islam as well. Unfortunately the mainstream media is petrified to touch this issue. You would think that Pamela Geller would be willing to discuss it though.

Islam is Rising in the Land of the Rising Sun

There are two camps in what is known as the “anti-jihad” campaign. The first being the Fantasy $ellers. A group that features so called experts such as Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum (MEF), Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch. All three have actually come out against banning Islam. Which implies that we can peacefully coexist with the ideology of war and perversion. All three support the Abraham Accords. Which implies that millions of Muslims can be trusted.

Pamela Geller Promotes MORE Islamic Terrorism in Israel

Don’t get mad a me friends. I am just going on her words and actions. As I have stated Pamela is in full support of the Abraham Accords. Which are so called peace deals between Israel and handful of Muslim majority countries. Two being the Bahrain and the UAE. Besides the false hope of a peaceful coexistence with Islam, these accords open the door to more Muslim migration into Israel.

Israel is Under Fire! Where are all of the “Experts” now?!?!

Well friends, unfortunately it looks like I was right on another major issue which involves the threat of Islam. Just like I was right when I opposed the Center of Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney back in 2015 when he implied that Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser (yes, that is his first name) was going to lead a reformation of Islam. How did that work out?

Logan’s Warning, Pamela Geller and CAIR.com

Looking for some online material in order to write an article, today I visited the site of the Council Cancer of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Unfortunately the first thing I noticed was another victory for the 5th Column Organization. Of…

Muslim Marine Attacks Pamela Geller on Twitter…..

Last week while I was going Muslim propagandist hunting (in a non-violent manner) online, I came across one named “Muslim Marine” (MM). A man who may or may not be an actual Marine, but uses the Muslims are serving in the US Military talking point in an effort to get people to back off on the threat of Islam, and Muslim immigration.

Pamela Geller’s Hypocritical Support of a “Reformation of Islam”

All it takes is for a Muslim to say something non-Muslims want to hear, and many in the non-Muslim community come running in support. If one of them says Islam does not condone terrorism, or that Islam will reform they are mistakenly paraded around as the “savior” of the free world. Some examples of this from the past are “Muslims Against Sharia”, a fraudulent group that I had exposed on my first site, Islaminaction08@yahoo.com. After them I encountered Shoaib Choudhury of Bangladesh who I exposed on Facebook. A so called moderate who had threatened to sue in an effort to silence me, and ended up bilking non-Muslims out of 10’s of thousands of dollars.