Tag: NYC

Interfaith Misinformation Alert! The Islamic Cultural Center of NY

The harsh reality of the situation is that for now most of our current government is clearly not on our side when it comes to Islam. Which puts this fight directly in our hands, and it is our job to protect our future generations from the barbarity of Islamic rule. So one of the best ways we can combat this threat is to expose the deception and misinformation Muslims are providing at interfaith meetings. Meetings in which they prey on naïve and trusting non-Muslims.

Washington Muslim to Logan’s Warning: We Will Nuke NYC!

Every once in awhile someone asks me why I bother talking to Muslims. stating that I will not will not change their mind. My response is that I am not trying to change their minds, I am talking to them to expose their mindset. One that shows the treachery of Islam, and the protection of the deplorable actions it allows.

North American Infidels Exclusive: NY Muslims Bully Church and Residency of Fathers!

I am sure many of you remember my report on the halal food cart plague that has spread across NYC. A report that was picked up by an Iranian media giant, the AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA). In it I showed how Muslim vendors completely disrespected Ground Zero by surrounding it with halal carts.

Of course nothing is ever enough for the Islamobullies of the world, so they have found another target. This time the target is Christianity.

Recently walking down a NYC street I noticed a halal cart in a strange location.

Angry Dean of CONmedy to Logan’s Warning ~ You are a POS

Whenever I expose a Muslim propagandists like wannabe funny man Dean Obeidallah, I send them the article in an effort to give them a chance to respond. Although Dean had blocked me I Tweeted it to him, and The Daily Beast online publication he writes for. So he had to know about it.

This afternoon I had sent it again when I saw Dean spreading more of his propaganda. After doing so one of his non-Muslim ignorant dhimmi supporters responded and Dean saw it. His reply showed just how much my truths are getting to him!

Muslim Day Parade Malfunction and Summary

Today North American Infidels (NAI) had intended to you bring exclusive footage and commentary from this past Sunday’s NYC 29Th annual Muslim Day Parade. But unfortunately when I attempted to upload it, I was told that my camcorder was not compatible with my newer Windows 8 laptop. I tried numerous suggestions to fix the matter including updating the drivers, but it was to no avail.

To give a quick summary, it was a small turnout that must have learned a lesson from last year. Meaning no ISIS flags this year.

Koran Readings on the Streets of NYC!

Just the other day I was taking a walk through midtown Manhattan, passing a block that had at least one of NY’s numerous halal food carts on it. As I was walking by I noticed two kids next to the cart who were reading the Koran. Even though NY is rolling out the red carpet of Islam, this was a first for me.