Tag: Muslim propagandist

Like Muslima Mother, Like Muslima Daughter

I am sure most of you know of the US Congresswoman for Allah, Ilhan Omar. You might not know of her daughter Isra Hirsi though. Who unfortunately follows in her mother’s Islamic footprints, attempting to mislead the public. Acting if they have the best interests of America at heart.

Logan’s Warning Destroying Islamic Street Preacher

Earlier today I was minding my own business while traveling until I saw an Islamic street preaching in the NY Subway system. Since this was not planned at all only about half of the conversation was recorded. At first I…

No Ilhan, Islam is What Pits Muslims Against Jews

Once again we see how our unfortunately elected Muslima Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, uses her position in an attempt to mislead the public on Islam. This time implying that Islam is Jew friendly. When the truth is quite the opposite.

Same ole’ ~ Zuhdi Jasser Pulls Another Muslim Houdini

During a visit to Twitter the other day I decided to drop by and see how America’s poster boy, “moderate” Muslim, and my ole’ “buddy” Zuhdi Jasser was doing. As expected, Jasser was just being Jasser. Attempting to mislead the public on Islam. It is what he does.

The King of Jordan ~ Our “Moderate Ally” ~ Exposed

Ever since 911 Western policy on Islam has been an attempt to align with the so called good Muslims. In the hope that they would save us from the “bad” Muslims. One of the so called good Muslims is King Abdullah II of Jordan. A supposed ally of America. While my stance has been that he is no ally, and that Muslims just cannot be trusted.

Muslim Eddie Deen Preys on a Naive and Trusting Christian

If you do not know who Eddie Deen is, he is the head Muslim propagandist of the Deen Show. A Muslim that I have exposed here before on Logan’s Warning.

As with the last video of his that I refuted, Eddie is once again in full kitman mode (Lying by omission), as he preys on an unsuspecting Christian named Christopher.

New Segment: Jasser Watch

When it comes to Islam and Muslims, it is a two-tier threat. The first is the threat of violent jihadists, and the second and more dangerous tier is what I like to call insidious Islam, or stealth jihad. In which Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into tools of Islam.