107 search results for "jasser"

“Historian” Daniel Pipes: In a World of his own Making ~ Taking America Straight to an Islamic Hell

As many of you know I have pointed out numerous times that many high profile names who are supposed to be helping us win the war with Islam, have no real long term answers. The list includes ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel, the Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney, human rights lawyer Brooke Goldstein , FOX New’s Sean Hannity , and the Middle East Forum’s Daniel Pipes. The best they can seem to do is parade that fraud Zuhdi Jasser around, as if he is going to save the day. He is NOT. Today we will take a closer look at the so called “historian” Daniel Pipes.

ACT!’s Damage Control: They Cannot Defend Their “Moderate” Position, so They lie and Bash as they Hide in the Shadows…

As most of you know I am unapologetic in my stance against Brigitte Gabriel, Brooke Goldstein, Daniel Pipes, and Frank Gaffney, for misleading non-Muslims into believing “moderate” Muslims are going to come riding in on their white horses, and save America from Islamic conquest. It is just a fantasy based on wishful thinking. A line of thinking that Pipes has been pushing for a long time now.

ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel, $elling America a Bridge to Nowhere!

Well unfortunately the Queen of False Hope, Brigitte Gabriel, is back to doing her thing. Spreading false hope and censoring those who call her on her “moderate” Muslims are coming to the rescue nonsense. After my last encounter with ACT! in which the queen took a massive beating on FaceBook, and the fact that Zuhdi Jasser’s colleague Raquel Evita admitted to me that their “moderate” campaign has NO Mosque support, you would think Brigitte would be an adult and admit she was wrong.

Rise of the Anti-Islam Campaign III ~ We STOP Mosques and we WIN! ~ Video

After years of reporting a lot of bad news, I love bringing my infidel teammates good news like this. No, scratch that. Make that great news! For years I have been calling for an end to Muslim immigration, and Mosque construction. Now with the war with Islam getting worse across the world, we once again see our infidel brothers and sisters pushing back. Tonight we are honored with the presence of the Law and Freedom Foundation. An organization that uses a lawful approach to stopping Mosque construction, and they are great at what they do! Hopefully a sister organization of the L & F Foundation will be coming to America very soon.

Michigan USA: Christians Stoned by Muslim Mob!

For years I have been saying to look to the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Well the video below is worse than any I have seen from the UK, much worse. The following video is very disturbing and not from the Middle East, it is from Dearborn Michigan. A city that is becoming an Islamic no-go zone right before our very eyes.

This is a must watch!

Human Rights Lawyer Brooke Goldstein Promotes “Reform Koran”, Book of Slavery, Hatred, and Abuse!

One of the purveyors of false hope, Brooke Goldstein finally produced a copy of the “Reform Koran”. A book that is full of human rights abuses, and calls for Islamic supremacy! Please keep in mind that she is a human rights attorney who believes this book of “reforming” Islam will lead to peace between Muslims and non-Muslims. She lives in an ignorant and naive fantasy world! Let’s take a closer look…

Gaffney’s Gal Goldstein: “Reform Koran”, Where Does She Come up With This Stuff?!

As Islam continues to gain a foothold in America, we unfortunately see so called leaders in this war,continue to spread false hope and blatant misinformation. Several months ago we saw the Queen of False Hope Brigitte Gabriel, state that so called “moderate” Muslim Zudhi Jasser “truly” represents Muslims in America. Yet her or Jasser cannot even name ONE Mosque that is promoting his views.

Today we take a look at Brooke Goldstein, another woman who stands in Frank Gaffney’s Islam will reform, “moderates” are coming to the rescue fantasy camp. Must be like a fantasy baseball camp….

Logan’s Warning Exclusive: FOX News’ Mike Ghouse Comes Back to be Exposed Even More!

As I stated at the beginning of the my last article, “Hannity’s Muslim “Friend” Mike Ghouse Goes on Anti-Christian Rant!”, I was not planning on writing anything else on Ghouse. But today Mike came here and left a comment which was full of more blatant lies. Is Mike’s mind so enslaved by Islam that he cannot stop himself from lying? Or he is a glutton for punishment? Maybe both….