354 search results for "uk sharia"

~Mainstream Media Ignorance Exposed!~

Besides having to fight Muslims in the information war, we are also battling the intentional ignorance of the mainstream media (MSM). I say “intentional ignorance” because it is obvious that many who report for the MSM have done little, if any, research on Islam. Let’s take a look at an outrageous example of this irresponsible reporting!

Bellmore NY Mosque: No Human Being is a Better Role Model Than Mohammad

Tonight while doing some online research on Mosques in America, I came across the Jaam’e Masjid Bellmore located at 1425 Newbridge Road (RT 106), Bellmore, NY. Unfortunately their website did not supply much information about the Mosque itself but there were two pages that tell us all we need to know. The first is a video that clearly states that the actions of Mohammad are to be followed for all times, as he is the best role model.