554 search results for "threat"

Logan’s Warning Challenge to World Net Daily (WND) and Zuhdi Jasser!

Here we go again, no matter how many inroads Islam makes into America it appears the best most of the biggest media outlets can do is mislead Americans into believing that some form of “moderate” Islam is going to save America from ISLAM. It did not happen in the UK, and it will not happen here. It is nothing more than a feel good fantasy provided by those who are either enjoying the money they make off of telling people what they want to hear. Or those who are ignorant, or just too cowardly to face the reality of the situation. The reality is that Islam itself must be fought! (Within the law).

NYC: Rolling out the Red Carpet for Islam

When I think of Islam and NYC, two things come to mind. Obviously the first is 911, the day teams of wanna-be Mohammad’s destroyed the Twin Towers. The second is the foolishness that followed that tragic day. Since then NYC has been committing a slow suicide by rolling out the red carpet for Islam, and Muslims are selfishly taking full advantage of the hospitality. From surrounding Ground Zero with halal food carts, to the Islamic prayers being broadcast onto the streets, to Muslims praying on the streets of the city, Islam is unfortunately becoming more and more visible across the city, and yesterday as I spotted another example of Islam in our face!

The Islamic Suicide of Germany!

On Facebook yesterday there was a lot of talk about an article on German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The article was entitled “Angela Merkel: Germany will become Islamic State!” Off the bat it seemed it was good that she was acknowledging the fate of Germany if Islam and Muslim immigration, are not confronted head on.