Tag: UK

UK: Nigel Farage Accused of “Islamophobia”

Which means he most likely said something truthful about Islam, Mohammad, and or Muslims. Adding to the current rising voices of Western politicians against Islam.

Hypocrisy Alert ~ the UK’s Musa Adnan

Muslim propagandists are the “salespersons” for Islam, and like a shady salesperson they will say anything in order to make what they are “selling’ sound like a great deal. Which leads me to the old adage.

Loving it! Republicans Speak out Against the Muslim Political Movement

This sure is great news to wake up to my friends. As we finally have some of our elected officials recognizing what I have been telling the public for years now. That Muslims are here to takeover and have successfully turned our freedoms into political tools of Islam. Just as they have in the UK.

UK: Muslims Attempt to Politically Strong-arm the Labour Party

Yesterday I posted an article which documented the fact that the UK’s Labour Party was pathetically on their hands and knees bowing to Muslims in the UK. In turn Muslims came up with an 18 point list of Islamic demands for Labour. Shocking…

UK: Labour Party Vows to Empower Muslims

I have said it over and over. That mankind’s greatest quest is the quest for power. Many times at all costs. Which includes the UK’s Labour Party and their vow to empower Muslims. The same Muslims who are selfishly changing the UK to suit Islam.

Jizya & Zakat – What Muslims Don’t Want you to Know Part 2

If you were on Logan’s Warning yesterday you most likely read “Jizya & Zakat – What Muslims Don’t Want you to Know Part 1”. An article in which I exposed how Muslim propagandist Musa Adnan attempted to mislead the public on what jizya actually is.

Yes! Let’s Discuss the Cause

For once I finally agree with a Muslim propagandist, and I am more than willing to discuss the cause of the conflict as Adan Rashid suggests in the short video below.

Hamza the UK Quisling Doubles Down and Gets Caught out AGAIN!

For those who might not know, the reason I take the time to expose Muslims who mislead the public on Islam is because if we do not win the information war against Muslims propagandists, we cannot win the war against Islam.