Tag: Threats

Comic Book Death Threats

In this short post we are going to take a lighter approach to the very serious threat of Islam and speaking out against it. Sure I have gotten plenty of death threats in past.

Voicemails From Hell

For those who are not on the social application Telegram here is a little information about it. Not only does it have rooms that you can text in, it also gives users the option to leave voice messages.

UK Muslim to LW: You are Asking for Another 9/11

For years I have been warning my fellow American citizens to look towards the UK to see what is coming our way in regards to Islam. Why? Because Muslims there are getting more and more brazen. Two of the latest examples of this are recent convert to Islam mega-influencer Andrew “Traitor” Tate threatening critics of Islam, and this unknown Muslim convert below who I spoke to on Clubhouse last night.

Bare Naked Islam Locks Arms With Logan’s Warning

For those who do not know of the Bare Naked Islam site, it is another anti-Islam website owned by fellow NYawker Bonni I. A woman who has a bigger set than most men. A woman who is absolutely relentless in…

Muslim Comment(s) of the day #12 ~ Deception, Death, Demands, & Dominance

Due to the fact that I was a bit tied up with other things this week that went beyond exposing Islam I allowed about a week’s worth of Muslim comments to pile up. Which leaves us with leaves us with an onslaught of deception, death threats, demands, and dominance!

Sheik Faarooq Al Mohammedi: Trump Supporters are Terrorists

It’s been years since I have received any “fan mail” from “Sheik” Faarooq Al Mohammedi, a supposed representative of the The United Muslim Nations International. An organization that appears to have only one member. Him.