Tag: Radio interview

Name the Enemy or Lose the War ~ Logan’s Warning on The Captain’s AMERICA Radio Show

For years I have been saying that we must accurately identify the enemy ideology, or is it just a matter of time until we lose the war. Naming the enemy is exactly what I did on this past Friday morning’s Captain’s AMERICA Radio Show. Hosted by veteran Matt Bruce.

Besides that, even though the Koran states that Mohammad is the moral example to follow for all times.

Thursday: Information Failure Alert! Logan’s Warning on the Vito and Vito Show

I was very excited when Trump won the election, hoping it would be a turning point in the war with Islam. Which up till then had pretty much been a one sided war. As Islam has been at war with non-Muslims for 1400 years.

Sahih Muslim Hadith Book 019, Number 4366:

It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.

Live Tonight! Logan’s Warning on the America Akbar Show! The Truth Will be Spoken!

Hello friends! Tonight I will be making a return appearance on the America Akbar Show. With the bringers of truth, Gadi Adleman and his partner “in crime” Dee the Crimson Warrior!

From Gadi:

Join us this Thursday as we welcome back Christopher Logan of “Logan’s Warning”. Chris had been our guest back on October 13 and as usual the conversation went way too quick and we didn’t even get to the main topic of ‘Why Islam can never reform’. Chris will be explaining why this can never happen

Saturday Night Live! Logan’s Warning on Syndicated Radio!

Let’s fact it, when it comes to Islam the mainstream media is just not getting it done. For whatever reasons, they will not come clean with the public on this issue, and as I have stated over and over and over, if we do not win the information war with Islam, we will not be able to defeat it.

Video Replay of my Interview on the Tom Trento Radio Show!

Hello fellow infidels! About an hour ago I finished my spot on the Tom Trento Radio Show. Besides saying what needed to be said, I have to say that I had a really good time on the show and would like to thank Tom, CJ, and Mark for having me on. In case you missed it, here is the podcast. I come on approximately an hour an a half into it, but I suggest that you sit back and enjoy the entire show. Tom and his crew do an excellent job of getting out vital information, while mixing it up with some laughs!