Tag: Peter King

Zuhdi Jasser and Peter King’s “Moderate” Muslim Movement, not so “Moderate”

The picture above was taken from this week’s ACT!/Zuhdi Jasser/Peter King’s rally in support of the NYPD. One of the “big” points of the event was that there were “moderate” Muslims attending in support of the NYPD. What is interesting about the picture is the Muslim man in the middle, with the cap and sun glasses on. He is Imam Mohammad Abdul Qayyoom, head of the Muhammadi Community Center in Jackson Heights. The Imam is petitioning to make Mohammad’s birthday a national holiday! Yes, that right! He wants America to honor his pedophile and rapist hero. I know, I know….he’s a “moderate”….good work there Zuhdi and King.

Logan’s Warning to ACT!’S Brigitte Gabriel: Come Clean With America!

Most of the regulars here most likely know that I am no fan of the “moderate” Muslims, are coming to the rescue line of thinking. That strategy was tried in the UK, and it was a huge failure. If one takes an honest look at the situation, you will see that this line of thinking, is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Not only is it wishful thinking, it also spreads false hope in the war with Islam. The reality is that Islam is clearly on the move in America, and “moderate” Muslims are not coming to the rescue. It is past time that the non-Muslims of America realize this.

Logan’s Warning Exclusive~ NY Muslims Boast of Peter King Beat Down!

I remember back in December when many of us anti-jihadists got excited when Peter King, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee announced, he will be holding hearings on the “radicalization” of some American Muslims. But then in January that excitement quickly faded for many of us, as King stated he would not be calling Islam expert Robert Spencer, and the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s Steve Emerson as witnesses.

Peter King Caves Again, Will NOT Call Hirsi Ali to the Stand!

Punch drunk Peter King has not only failed to call Islamic experts Robert Spencer and Steve Emerson to the stand in his “radical” Islam hearings, now he has bowed down to Islamic pressure again and has stated he will not call Hirsi Ali to the stand. In return for not using these three very knowledgeable non-Muslims as witnesses, King has said he will go with mostly Muslims and Arabs to make his case. Does Rep. King even begin to realize that Islam encourages Muslims to lie?

Peter King: Dazed and Confused

Exactly one month ago, the door of hope was opened when Peter King (R), House Committee on Homeland Security, stated he will hold hearings on the “radicalization” of certain American Muslims.

Now, we learn that the door of hope is quickly being closed, as King’s proposed solution to the problem will not stem the tide of radical thought. This is the main policy that the UK has implemented and it has proven to be a failure in reducing the numbers & activity of “radical” Muslims, leading to more concessions to Islam.

NY Mayor Bloomberg: Hearings on “Radical Islam” are not Right

Yesterday true American leader Rep Peter King stated that he will hold hearings on “radical Islam”, and today we see the absolute traitor to America that Mayor Bloomberg has become. Hey mayor, thanks for showing us that your Sharia investment with your so called Muslim friends, is more important than the lives of your families future generations. You are clearly on the side of the enemy.

NY Rep Peter King Will Hold Hearings on “Radical Islam”

Dictator Obama might want us to ditch the term “radical Islam”, but NY Representative Peter King has other plans in mind. Combine this with Austria’s MP Ewald Stadler recently telling Turkey where it’s at, Germany applying anti-Nazi laws on two non-violent pro-Sharia Islamic groups, and the Netherland’s Great Geert Wilders who wants to end all Muslim immigration and Mosque construction, and we have the beginning of a winning team!