607 search results for "uk"

Portland Oregon: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Rally in Support of Islam

Here we go again. Another Islamic terrorist plot is foiled (Christmas tree lighting plot), and non-Muslims come running out to hear Muslims tell them what they want to hear. That Islam is a religion of peace. Hearing this is much easier for them, than actually facing 1400 years of Islamic terrorism and conquest. The rally took place this past Sunday at the Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland. Lets review it.

Brooklyn NY: Al-Noor Islamic School Part II~ Bringing in the Islamic Culture

This article is part II to a December 14Th posting entitled “Brooklyn NY: Al Noor Islamic School~ Spreading the Islamic History of War and Conquest~ Part I”. We closed the last thread, talking about how the students there are being taught about Islamic war and conquest. But don’t worry guys the school’s code number is 330561. Which means it is state approved, and we all know that since it is legal, it could never be harmful to the US in anyway…

Brooklyn NY: Al Noor Islamic School~ Spreading the Islamic History of War and Conquest~ Part I

As promised, here is my continuing series on Islamic schools in America. Today’s subject is the Al Noor Islamic school, located at 675 4th Avenue Brooklyn NY.

Lets see what they are all about. From their home page.

Al-Noor has attained a K-12 status, and established itself as the largest Islamic School in New York with a student population of 623 (Elementary School: 435 students; High School: 188 students). Al-Noor is very much concerned with the general academic development of its students, their morals, values, and identity as Muslims. The efforts of the administration and faculty have proven that Al-Noor can offer its students a quality education to enter the best colleges, InshaAllah.

Alabama: Anti-Islam Sign Gets Support

Although it has taken far too long, Americans are finally starting to speak out against Islam. Electronic Repair Company owner Chuck Biddinger, has stated that he gets more positive responses to the sign than negative ones. He also says that he will not take down the sign because of any complaints. We need to cure the country of the politically disease, and speak the truth. The truth is that the ideology of the enemy is spreading across America, and if not stopped it will eventually destroy us from within.

Sacramento: Welcoming a $4 million Islamic Center That Teaches Children About the “enemies” of Islam

What is at least one thing that Sacramento and Seattle, have in common? They are both blindly welcoming the ideology of the enemy in. The SALAM Center at 4541 College Oak Drive, is scheduled to move into a new $4.4 million dollar Mosque and Islamic Center this January. The Mosque is led by Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez. The Imam comes off like he has good intentions, but lets take a closer look at his words and Islamic Center.

Seattle: In the Crosshairs of Islam

When it comes to the threat of Islam, far too many people only know of the threat of violent Muslims. That threat is very real, and will only get worse as more Muslims are allowed to come here. But there is an even bigger threat to America than violent Muslims. This threat is the lawful jihad which is being waged upon America. What makes it so dangerous is that Muslims are using the freedoms of America, to slowly takeover from within. This can clearly be seen in the November/December issue of Islamic Horizons Magazine.

NY Public Library/ Coexist Foundation Spreading Misinformation & False Hope

Last night I decided to forget about the rain, and headed over to the NY Public Library to check out the “Three Faiths” exhibit. I went there to see how much misinformation they were putting out to the public. The idea behind the exhibit was to show the commonalities between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The problem is that Islam is at war with us, and the differences in the religions are what needs to be known. Covering for Islam is not only irresponsible, it is detrimental to the country. When I walked in this is what I first saw. (Unfortunately they would not allow any pictures to be taken.)

The Islamic Theft of Sweden~ Video

Mr. Pat Condell tells it like it is in this disturbing video, that talks about the cowardice of the journalists and politicians of Sweden, and how Muslim immigration is a death sentence to Western Civilization. I wish the best to Sweden, but things are not looking good there. Major cities like Malmo are under assault by Islam. This problem is not unique to Sweden though, it is happening to non-Islamic countries across the West. These are countries that are slowly being devoured by Islam. Mark my words, if non-Islamic countries do not end Muslim immigration, it is just a matter of time until Islam dominates the West. Weak politicians combined with Islam, will be our death.