554 search results for "threat"

Reverend who Allows Mosque in Church’s Basement Responds to Logan’s Warning!

As most of you know I am not religious, but one of my goals is to unite members of all other religions and Atheists against Islam. Christians are the majority in America and we will need a loud voice from them to win this war. There are numerous articles on this site about Islam cuddling Churches, and yesterday an Islam supporting Reverend left this us the following comment:

Two NFL Players to Headline ISNA Convention, Will Speak for Muslim Student Association

Over the years Islamic apologists have pointed to Muslim celebrities in their effort to try and downplay the threat of Islam. One of them was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who has recently spoken out against “Islamophobia”. Today we learn that two NFL players have shown us where their loyalty lies, as they have joined forces with two of the country’s largest Islamic organizations. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the Muslim Student Association (MSA). Just because a Muslim is a sports figure, does not mean they stand with America over Islam.