Malaysia: Churches Firebombed

Just yesterday we read about Muslims in Egypt opening fire on a Church and killing seven. Today we learn that Muslims in Malaysia have firebombed three Churches. Are these acts the “tolerant” part of Islam, that leftist Christians keep telling me about? Wake up guys, Islam is no friend of Christianity.

Dearborn Student: Shirts Were Pro-911

Here is another update to the “Dearborn Students Wear Shirts Glorifying 911”, story. In this one a student admitted that the shirts were made because they did not like the way Arab-Americans were being portrayed on the news after the attempted Christmas day attack on a US plane. Which of course was done by a Muslim. So these shirts were in support of Muslim terrorists and the eagle was taking down the towers. Like I said, these kids knew what they were doing from the get go.

Egypt: Muslims Open Fire on Church, Kill 7

Most of the world continues to repeat the Islam is a religion of peace falsehood, and the Islamic world continues to prove them wrong. Will non-Muslims wake up before it is too late? I sure hope so, but I am not so sure. We have a lot of educating to do my friends.