Italy: 100 Italians Armed with Pipes go After Illegals!

After illegal immigrants from Africa rioted, old school Italians took to the streets to show them whose town it is. Expect clashes like this to happen across the West, as endless mass immigration is pushing legals to break point. We do not have to give up our countries to a bunch of unappreciative illegals. We owe them nothing.

Harry Reid: Islam is a Great Religion and a Good way of Life~ Video

This short video is from 2001, but it is well worth the watch. While Harry’s friends might be nice, they might also be using him to spread the Islam is a religion of peace falsehood. Mr. Reid, did your so called friends tell you that Islam allows lying, rape, and that its final goal is to destroy Christianity? Of course not. Harry you might want to do some actual research on your own, but I doubt it.

Massachusetts: College Bows to CAIR and Un-bans Islamic Face Veils

Well, that did not take long did it? Just two days ago, I posted the ‘Massachusetts College Bans Face Coverings, Muslims Outraged” story. Yesterday CAIR went into action and filed a complaint, and today the college has cowardly sided with Islam over their security concerns. Now anyone who wants to do something illegal there, can just hide under a burqa or Islamic face veil. Because there is no shot that the school will ask a person to remove it, to see who is underneath. Great move guys….

CAIR: Love for Jesus unites Muslims, Christians

I just came across this article written by the Cancer on American Islamic Relations’ spokesman, Ibrahim Hooper. It was originally published on Christmas Day and even on that day, Hooper tries to deceive Christians that Islam is Christianity friendly. He just has no respect for Christians and that is exactly what he deserves back.