From Baptist to Al Qaeda~ Video

Yesterday I posted an article entitled “Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists: “We have extremists in both our faiths,”. In the article Bruce Prescott, executive director of Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists, basically stated that things with Christianity and Islam were the same. Well then why didn’t Omar Hammam just stay a Baptist, instead of joining Al Qaeda? Hmmmm………..Mr. Prescott?

Mainstream Oklahoma Baptists: “We have extremists in both our faiths,”

Of course everyone reading must know that they are talking about Islam and Christianity. The article then goes on to mention Timothy McVeigh, whose terrorist act was not inspired by his religion. More Christians need to start doing their own research and educate themselves to the fact that Islam is a religion of war, and Muslims are encouraged to lie to defend it. Christians involved in interfaith talks with Muslims also need to ask themselves one question. Where is the major Muslim movement against the persecution of Christians across the Islamic world? Don’t be fooled.

O.C. Islamic Educational Center a Target of Anti-Muslim Acts

To be honest actions like this only hurt non-Muslims in this war. Now CAIR will complain more, and our authorities will be even more afraid to confront the Islamic community. We need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, until we have the numbers to force our politicians to take a stand. Short term thinking like this vandalism is not the answer.

Homosexuals and Muslims Team up Against Anti-Islam Church~Video

In the past I have posted numerous articles about the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville Florida. They are one of the most outspoken Churches, in regards to the Islamic threat. Now Queer Activist Coalition and Stand-Up Florida are going to have a protest in front of Dove World. They are joining hands with Muslims. Personally what two adults do in their own bedroom is not my business, but these gay rights organizations have no idea what they are teaming up with. Islam is not their friend.