621 search results for "uk"

UK Race Baiting Muslim Quisling Convert Attempts to Mislead the Public on Islam

Good afternoon friends. If you have read my last two articles you know that they were about a UK quisling convert named Paul Williams. A convert who praises martyrdom and the Muslim leader of the Armenian Massacres. Unfortunately today I have to expose another UK quisling convert. One who goes by the moniker “Dowie the White Muslim Fella. Essa”.

UK Quisling Convert Praises the Leader of the Armenian Massacres

Wait a second! How can this be?!?! I have been told over and over that Islam is a “religion” of peace”. I have been told over over that poverty is one of the main causes of Islamic terrorism. I have been told over and over that we need to respect Islam as a religion. Well here is what all of that advice has lead to.

UK Quisling Convert to Islam Praises Martyrdom

Unfortunately while there are Brits like Paul Weston, founder of the Liberty GB Party, who understand that Islam is a threat to non-Muslims, there are also British quislings like Paul Williams who treacherously join the cult of hatred and perversion. AKA Islam.

YouTube ~ UK Convert Quisling Hamza Runs From a Discussion on Islam

Friends, I have said over and over. We cannot win the war with Islam unless we win the information war against Muslim propagandists. Otherwise known as “Liars for Allah”. So here in my latest contribution to that cause. One that exposes the UK’s quisling and liar for Allah, Hamza. Of Hamza’s Den.

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Calls for Nukes to Deal with Israel

Wait a second! How can this be? Is the Kuwaiti scholar of Islam not paying attention?! Did he not get the memo?! According to Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum (MEF), the Abraham Accords (so called peace deals between Israel and a handful of Muslim majority countries) were supposed to bring peace to the Middle East. Obviously they haven’t. In fact they have made things worse.