554 search results for "threat"

Germany to Make a Decision on Deporting Afghans ~ Poll

While not all prominent names such as Hirsi Ali agrees with me, if you are regular reader of Logan’s Warning you know that I am all for the mass deportations of Muslims (those who are eligible for it) from Western Civilization. Which is for two reasons.

Islam “Respects” Parents Until It Doesn’t

This article is the third installment in the “Contradictions in the Islamic Scriptures” series. The first being “Islam is “Against” Adultery, Until it Isn’t”, and the second being “Islam is “Against” Lying Until it Isn’t”.

China Lowers the Boom on Jihad

Right off the bat I want to make it clear that I have no love for the CCP and obviously I have no love for Islam either. Which is exactly why Logan’s Warning exists in the first place.

Muslim Manipulation of the US Electoral System

In past Logan’s Warning articles I have exposed the fact that Muslims have turned the freedoms of America into tools of Islam. I have also exposed the fact that Muslims do not have to be anywhere near the majority in order to slowly change America to suit Islam. Or “normalize” Islam in America.