241 search results for "muslim comment of the day"

Traitors Among us #1: Jihadiffanclub

It is abundantly clear that there is Sharia campaign taking place across America. It is also abundantly clear that those who want Sharia, and or support Islamic terrorist organizations are traitors to America. So tonight I have decided to start the Logan’s Warning “Traitors Among us” segment. Targeting those who selfish and disrespectfully want Islam to dominate to America, whether we like it or not. The first of this ongoing series will YouTube’s Jihadifanclub. This is my second post on the Sharia loving, Al Qaeda supporting traitor to America.

Why Mosques Should Be Shut Down

Let’s face it friends. What is being done by non-Muslims in this war is not even coming close to saving our future generations from Islamic rule. Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into a tool of Islam, nation building didn’t work out the way President Bush thought it would, and “moderate” Muslims are not coming to the rescue. The way I see it is that we will eventually lose this war if there are no major changes in our laws and actions. The first changes should be for America to become energy independent and then end all Muslim immigration. For it is a Trojan Horse. Even after those actions we would still be left with IslamoBLOB slowly devouring America.

ACT!’s Damage Control: They Cannot Defend Their “Moderate” Position, so They lie and Bash as they Hide in the Shadows…

As most of you know I am unapologetic in my stance against Brigitte Gabriel, Brooke Goldstein, Daniel Pipes, and Frank Gaffney, for misleading non-Muslims into believing “moderate” Muslims are going to come riding in on their white horses, and save America from Islamic conquest. It is just a fantasy based on wishful thinking. A line of thinking that Pipes has been pushing for a long time now.

Gaffney’s Gal Goldstein: “Reform Koran”, Where Does She Come up With This Stuff?!

As Islam continues to gain a foothold in America, we unfortunately see so called leaders in this war,continue to spread false hope and blatant misinformation. Several months ago we saw the Queen of False Hope Brigitte Gabriel, state that so called “moderate” Muslim Zudhi Jasser “truly” represents Muslims in America. Yet her or Jasser cannot even name ONE Mosque that is promoting his views.

Today we take a look at Brooke Goldstein, another woman who stands in Frank Gaffney’s Islam will reform, “moderates” are coming to the rescue fantasy camp. Must be like a fantasy baseball camp….

Logan’s Warning Exclusive: FOX News’ Mike Ghouse Comes Back to be Exposed Even More!

As I stated at the beginning of the my last article, “Hannity’s Muslim “Friend” Mike Ghouse Goes on Anti-Christian Rant!”, I was not planning on writing anything else on Ghouse. But today Mike came here and left a comment which was full of more blatant lies. Is Mike’s mind so enslaved by Islam that he cannot stop himself from lying? Or he is a glutton for punishment? Maybe both….

How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?

Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign.

For over 10 years I have been speaking out against the threat of Islam. When I first started, I remember numerous non-Muslims telling me that I should not say Islam itself is the problem. To use the term “Islamofascism” (which I admittedly did use for a short period of time), or “radical Islam”. Another popular term is “Islamism”. I did not really care for using the term “Islamofascism”, as in the back of my mind I knew Islam itself was the problem. After awhile I decided to go against the wishes of many friends and go with the truth. The truth being that Islam itself is the problem!

ACT!’s Brigitte Gabriel Calls Critics of Jasser Bigots!

In my last article on ACT! we saw that the leaders do not like to be criticized, over their weak stance of promoting so called “moderate Muslim” Zuhdi Jasser. Well now Brigitte “the Queen of False Hope” Gabriel, took her defense of Jasser to a whole new level. A level that clearly has the public turning on her! Last night Dawn Ellen an anti-Sharia sister of mine on Facebook, posted information on my wall stating Gabriel was actually deleting comments criticising ACT! and their support of Jasser. To make matters even worse, Brigitte Gabriel uses Muslim Brotherhood rhetoric against those who question her propping up of non-representative Muslim. Yes, that’s’ right. She called us hateful and dropped the bigot bomb! Wow!