245 search results for "immigration"

Taliban Victim Malala Yousafza Calls for Mass Muslim Immigration into the West

For those who do not remember, Malala Yousafza was shot in the face by the Taliban. A sad story for sure, but there is much more to it than what the mainstream media tells us. While the media solely portrays her as a victim and champion of human rights, there is sinister side to her. One that is out to destroy Western Civilization as we know it.

The “Beauty” of Muslim Immigration ~ Australia

In the past I have posted numerous videos which show the harsh realities of Muslim immigration. Some examples of this were Belgium and the UK. Today we will take a look at more marauding Muslims in Australia, where they aggressively and violently take to the streets. Mark my words, if not stopped, Muslim immigration will be the death of western civilization. It is a Trojan Horse!

The “Beauty” of Muslim Immigration ~ Video

I think it is safe to say that most of the readers here know that I am against Muslim immigration. I am against it because Muslims have turned our freedoms into a tool of Islam, and our slowly changing the country to suit Islam. If we do not end their immigration it is just a matter of time until we lose this war, because they will never stop pushing. Today I am posting a video that shows the English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson, driving through a Muslim area in the UK. Watch the “red carpet” treatment our infidel friend receives….

Belgium ~ Muslim Immigration & Birthrates ~ Destruction From Within ~ Video

Unfortunately there are still non-Muslims who do not support ending Muslim immigration, while I and many other realize that we infidels will eventually lose this war if Muslim immigration is not ended. Here is another video which proves my point. Please pay close attention from the 1:00 mark to the 1:50 mark, and listen to what the slave to Allah has to say about “moderate” Muslims…

ACT! to Logan’s Warning: We do NOT Advocate Ending Muslim Immigration

I was really not planning on doing another article on ACT! so soon, but the pubic needs to know just how weak-kneed the upper echelon of ACT! really is. Besides Brigitte Gabriel being on a two day banning binge on Facebook, last night another ACT! spokesperson dropped by and proved that ACT!, does not have the answers to the solve the problem of Islam in America. In fact some of their policies will actually make things worse.