245 search results for "immigration"

Islam 101: The Religion of War

Those that follow the subject of Islam constantly come across Muslims and Islamic apologists who will say anything to cover for Islam. Some of the most common are: that Islam is a religion of peace and another is the “defensive war” con.

Muslims and their apologists continually tell us that Muslims can only wage war in a defensive response, if they were attacked first.

Swiss Muslims Protest Minaret ban

Here is an update to the Swiss Anti-Islam Vote Draws Protests From Jews and Christians story. At least they were peaceful about it….for now. The problem is that they will never stop pushing, and as their numbers rise so will their power. It is time for all non-Islamic countries to end all Muslim immigration. It is not worth the trouble.

F.B.I. Sets New Review of Shootings at Ft. Hood

Roughly a month since the worst Islamic terrorist attack on US soil since 911, the FBI is going to investigate how things were handled with Hasan before the attack. That is great, but the reality is that no matter what guidelines are put into place, if everyone is afraid to enforce them out of political correctness the guidelines will not matter. They will be meaningless, just like our immigration laws.