Tag: Mosque

Obama: Opposing Mosques Could be a Federal Crime

In the past Tennessee Lt. Governor has stated that we need to face the threat of Sharia Law in America, and hundreds of non-Muslims have come out in protest against this proposed Mosque. But none of that matters to Obama and his gang, as here they come to save the day and help advance a religion/ideology that clearly goes against the freedoms of America. I thought you guys were supposed to help the country, not hurt it.

Downtown NYC: Islamic Expansionism, not the Proposed Ground Zero Mosque

Obviously most people know about the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, which is being led by the pro-Sharia Imam Rauf. One more example of Islam on the move in America is the Masjid Mosque (Masjid Manhattan), which is operating in lower Manhattan. Unfortunately they are expanding, and in the process of looking for a new location in the downtown area. When we take a look at their website, right off the bat we see they led by deceitful Muslims.

The Fight Against Islamic Expansionism Continues!

Although I was offline for about a week because of another cyberattack, I have come back to some very good news. Recently we have read about non-Muslims in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, and Tennessee, taking a stand against Islamic expansionism.

Today we learn that more of us have joined the fight. One new battle that has started is taking place in New Hyde Park Long Island, where Muslims of the Hillside Islamic Center are showing no respect for the residents in the area.

First Mosque Coming to Florence Kentucky?

The legal invasion of Islam continues across America. There are two Mosques proposed to be built near Ground Zero, an Islamic Center in New Jersey is doing a massive expansion, and a Mosque recently received approval in Wisconsin. Those are besides the going battles against proposed Mosques in Brooklyn, Chicago, and Tennessee. Now we learn that Kentucky has been drawn into the battle. Muslims are feasting on our freedoms, and if the rules do not change, we will eventually lose this war. We cannot allow Islam to takeover, in the name of freedom of religion.

About My Daily News Interview: They run Article Omitting all of my Quotes, but Quote CAIR!

Back on August 5Th, I put up a post entitled “Logans Warning Update” Here it is in its entirety.

“Hi guys, I was just interviewed by the NY Daily News’ Brooklyn Borough Youth section, about a proposed Mosque in Brooklyn. Well that is what they told me it would be about, most of the interview was about my views on Islam, and this site. It will be published in about two weeks.”

I was not able to locate the story online this morning, so I put in a call to editor Nicholas C. Klopsis.

California: Pro-Sharia Mosque Gets OK to Build 64 Ft Minaret

In another step forward towards the Islamification of America, a Santa Clara Mosque has been given the OK to put up a sign of Islamic dominance, in a 64 Ft minaret. The Muslim Community Association runs the Mosque, and it sure would have been nice if the people of the community, would have taken the time to gather some back round information on them. From the MCA “constitution”…

Christian Organization Protests at Connecticut Mosque!

It is amazing how fast things are changing in the war against Islam. Years ago we rarely saw non-Muslims take to the streets to protest against Islam, but these days we are seeing it more, and more. This time the Operation Save America organization, took up the cause and demonstrated outside of a Connecticut Mosque. Of course the whining Muslims whose religion bullies non-Muslims across the world, played the victim card.