Tag: Information war

Islam “Respects” Parents Until It Doesn’t

This article is the third installment in the “Contradictions in the Islamic Scriptures” series. The first being “Islam is “Against” Adultery, Until it Isn’t”, and the second being “Islam is “Against” Lying Until it Isn’t”.

Masjid Tuscan vs Logan’s Warning

If you are new to Logan’s Warning you might not know that there are numerous tactics that I use in order to expose Islam and the Muslim mindset. One is actually trying to engage in conversations with Mosques. Another is exposing them for the their whitewashing of Islam by obtaining the literature they hand out to the public. A third being actually infiltrating dawah conferences.

Jizya & Zakat – What Muslims Don’t Want you to Know Part 2

If you were on Logan’s Warning yesterday you most likely read “Jizya & Zakat – What Muslims Don’t Want you to Know Part 1”. An article in which I exposed how Muslim propagandist Musa Adnan attempted to mislead the public on what jizya actually is.

Sabeel Ahmed to Americans: Respect Ramadan by…..

This is how it goes with Muslim organizations. They come off personable and soft spoken as if they are well-meaning allies. In the end though they have demands. Islamic demands that show that they have no concerns for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims.

UK Muslim Propagandist Ali Dawah’s Video Refuted Within Seconds

If you are new to the subject of Islam you might not realize that we are in a 1400 year-old war with the ideology. In other words a perpetual war with Muslims in their quest for Islam to dominate the world. As per Koran verses 3:83, 9:29, and 9:33.

YouTube ~ UK Convert Quisling Hamza Runs From a Discussion on Islam

Friends, I have said over and over. We cannot win the war with Islam unless we win the information war against Muslim propagandists. Otherwise known as “Liars for Allah”. So here in my latest contribution to that cause. One that exposes the UK’s quisling and liar for Allah, Hamza. Of Hamza’s Den.

Organization of Islamic Cooperation Islamocons the World

Every once in awhile someone asks me why we as non-Muslims are currently losing the war with Islam. My response is basically the same every time. There are two main reasons and the first is that we are fighting a 24/7 endlessly funded Islamic propaganda machine. The main perpetrators of this crime against humanity is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Ilhan Omar and Mehdi Hassan are Getting “Exhausted” in the Information war!

It’s working my friends! There is a reason why I continue to say in order to win the war with Islam we must win the information war against Muslim propagandists. Which is something they obviously know as well. The bad news for them though is that we have them greatly outnumbered, and need to use that to our advantage.

Logan’s Warning Takedown of Ahmayoh’s bro ~ Debate Part l

Yesterday I woke up to some more Logan’s Warning fan mail. The email was an incredibly poor attempt to refute some of the points I make on Islam. Apparently Ahmayoh’s bro (AB)(UK) believes that the word “refute” means to misrepresent me and blatantly lie. That comes as no surprise though, as his hero Mohammad said it was OK for Muslims to lie.

Parler Liar for Allah Pulls a Muslim Houdini

Just because the mainstream media and our government will not challenge liars for Allah, doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t continue to do so. My recent welcome to a new member of Parler. Apparently she did not care for my greeting.…