Tag: Hirsi Ali

Son of Hamas to Muslims: Reform Islam

For those who do not know of the “Son of Hamas”, he is Mosab Hassan Yousef. The son of Hamas cofounder Sheikh Hassan Yousef. An incredibly brave man who has done amazing work on exposing the root cause of the Israel vs. Palestine conflict. Which is Islam itself.

Clarion & Apostate Ali: Give us More Money so we can Further Mislead the Public

Ever since 911 Western policy has been a futile effort to sort out the so called “good” Muslims from the bad. Which includes the support of so called reformers like Zuhdi Jasser. A policy that is clearly not working across the West though. Because the West is clearly being changed to suit Islam. This policy is just a feel good fantasy which implies that one day we will have a peaceful coexistence with Islam. Which is something much of the public obviously wants to hear. Because most people do not want to fight this perpetual war.

Aposte Hirsi Ali: We Must Reach out to the Reformers

Or in Other Words, Let us Continue With the Islamicide of West

Back in March of 2015 Apostate Hirsi Ali, who I will call Apostate Ali, released a book entitled “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now”. In response I wrote a three part rebuttal. In it I exposed the fact that she has no answers. Just the usual fantasy of an Islamic reformation. As she is against banning the burqa, against banning all Muslim immigration, against the mass deportations of Muslims, and against banning the Koran.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. lll

As we left off in part II of “Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence”, Ali failed to identify the main threat of Islam. The lawful jihad that is taking place across the West, a jihad that is changing the West to suit Islam. Which has brought in aspects of Sharia, such as Sharia banking, Sharia Courts, halal only in over 50 UK public schools, and the Islamic call to prayer (adhan) being broadcast onto the streets with no concern for the wants and beliefs of non-Muslims, etc.

Her completely ignoring this threat raises a red flag to me, as does her reluctance to want Muslims deported from non-Islamic countries.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. ll

Some of the main reasons we are losing the war with Islam is because of the lack of will to stop respecting it as a religion. The lack of will to drive it from America (or other non-Islamic countries, in a non-violent manner), and finally the non-Muslim need to believe in the fantasy that Islam will reform into an ideology that is non-Muslim friendly. Or something”peaceful” as Hirsi Ali puts it.

Logan’s Warning to Hirsi Ali: Waiting for Islam to Reform is a Death Sentence Pt. 1

Before I get to the heart of this article, I just want to make it clear that I have a world of respect for Hirsi Ali for finding the strength to leave Islam, her tireless work against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and attempting to rescue others from the cult of hate.

But like many prominent names in this field, she has no real long term answers in order to win the war with Islam. She also seems to have some kind of emotional attachment to Islam as well. One that does not bode well for the West.

Peter King Caves Again, Will NOT Call Hirsi Ali to the Stand!

Punch drunk Peter King has not only failed to call Islamic experts Robert Spencer and Steve Emerson to the stand in his “radical” Islam hearings, now he has bowed down to Islamic pressure again and has stated he will not call Hirsi Ali to the stand. In return for not using these three very knowledgeable non-Muslims as witnesses, King has said he will go with mostly Muslims and Arabs to make his case. Does Rep. King even begin to realize that Islam encourages Muslims to lie?