Tag: Hijab

India: Some Colleges Say Lose the Hijab or Get out!

While this action might sound cruel to those new to the subject of Islam. It’s not. In fact its an applauded attempt at cultural survival. Because there is more to the story then the Muslima in the following video tells us. Much more.

Bulgaria ~ Muslims on the Move…. OUT of the Country! ~ Video

It sure is refreshing to see a Western country legally taking a stand against the Muslim attempted takeover of West Civilization. Of course the Turks who made the video had to play the Muslim Victim Card. A card that is…

The Hijab, Freedom or Defiance?

Over the past few years there have been numerous debates on the hijab. A head covering worn by Muslim women.

One of them has been whether wearing the hijab is an act of enslavement or freedom. The correct answer has two parts to it though. It is an act of enslavement and defiance.

North American Infidel (NAI) Dictionary: “Insidious Islam”

The other evening I took a walk through Times Square NYC, and on a two block span I saw at least 7 woman in hijabs, and one with the Islamic ninja head covering. Eyes only, but it was not black, it was leopard spotted. That night it was raining so because of that, on some of the corners the odor of halal foot reeked more than usual through the air from food carts. These are examples of what I call insidious Islam. Aspects of Sharia seemingly harmless, gradually seeping into our society. One leading to another. Then one day you wake up and realize your neighborhood has changed to suit Islam. This is what happened across Europe. Obviously the violent side of Islam is a threat, but insidious Islam is a greater one. As Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into tools of Islam.

Muslims in Europe Feeling the Heat~ Video

Finally Europe is starting to wake up to the threat of Islam, and Muslims are starting to feel the heat. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and the end to Muslim immigration is on the horizon. But once again, we see Muslims uniting to fight our movement. This is a video update to the, “UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam” story.

Oceanside California DMV Bows to Islam

The Islamic onslaught of America continues, and unfortunately non-Muslim continue to bow down to the demands of Muslims. All Americans should be outraged that our brave troops are overseas fighting the violent jihad, and yet our weak government is letting the lawful jihad slowly, tear us apart from within.

US: Muslim “Discrimination” Lawsuits on the Rise~ Video

Once again Muslims are playing the victim card, as they try to change our country to suit Islam. Muslims are using our freedoms against us to advance Islam, and if things do not change they will eventually destroy us from within. It is time end all Muslim immigration, before it gets as bad here as it is in the UK. (For the record, I do not condone the act of pulling off their hijab. Which is mentioned in the video.)

Abercrombie & Fitch Fires Muslim for Wearing Hijab

Late last year, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) filed a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch for not hiring a Muslim who wore a hijab. But that did not stop them from firing this Muslim who wore one. If you cannot follow the dress code, you should not be allowed to work there. It is that simple.