Tag: EU

Nationalist Parties Are Rising Across Europe

I can’t image why. Well, actually I can. It’s called the will to survive. The will to protect ones own culture, AKA as cultural protection. A movement that is much needed if the West as we know her is to survive the current mass third world invasion.

Generation Identitaire: French Youth’s Declare war on Multiculturalism & Islam Being Forced Down Their Throats!

Infidel friends it has been awhile since I have been able to some goods news, but today I am posting a video that will hopefully make your day! Although our mate Tommy Robinson has been taken as a political prisoner, it is clear there is a growing anti-Islam campaign taking place across the West. A campaign that is lead by infidels spread from different generations. From the UK’s Law and Freedom Foundation, stopping Mosque from being constructed, to the the new youth movement that is making headlines across France! They go by the name Generation Identitaire (GI), and unlike the youth of OWS , they actually see the dangers of Islam and multiculturalism.

Rise of the Anti-Islam Campaign III ~ We STOP Mosques and we WIN! ~ Video

After years of reporting a lot of bad news, I love bringing my infidel teammates good news like this. No, scratch that. Make that great news! For years I have been calling for an end to Muslim immigration, and Mosque construction. Now with the war with Islam getting worse across the world, we once again see our infidel brothers and sisters pushing back. Tonight we are honored with the presence of the Law and Freedom Foundation. An organization that uses a lawful approach to stopping Mosque construction, and they are great at what they do! Hopefully a sister organization of the L & F Foundation will be coming to America very soon.

Europe: The Rise of the Anti-Islam Campaign!

In my last article which was entitled “How do you win a war, When you Have no Answers?” (Frank Gaffney, Daniel Pipes, and the rest of the FAILED “moderate Islam” campaign), I pointed out that the polices of the many of the biggest names in this battle have been a huge failure. As Islam is clearly taking root in America. Also as stated, I have been speaking out on this issue for over 10 years and at first I paid a lot of attention (and still do) to Islam in the UK, and other non-Islamic countries in Europe. My hope is to avoid things getting as bad here with Muslims/Islam, as they are there.

Belgium ~ Muslim Immigration & Birthrates ~ Destruction From Within ~ Video

Unfortunately there are still non-Muslims who do not support ending Muslim immigration, while I and many other realize that we infidels will eventually lose this war if Muslim immigration is not ended. Here is another video which proves my point. Please pay close attention from the 1:00 mark to the 1:50 mark, and listen to what the slave to Allah has to say about “moderate” Muslims…

UK IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary Sentenced to one-year in Belgium Jail!

This morning we read about Younus Abdullah Muhammed, the leader of NY’s Revolution Muslim pleading guilty to running an Islamic website which encouraged Muslims to engage in violent actions to defend Islam. That was great news, and now we receive even more! Looking at the UK’s IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary’s Twitter page we see that a Belgium Court has sentenced him to a year in jail! God is great!

France Opens First Official Muslim – Only Cemetery

The slow suicide of the West continues, as does the endless list of Islamic demands. This time France has foolishly allowed Muslims to have their first Muslim-only cemetery. Now Muslims will demand more cemeteries like this, and also move onto other demands. It is crystal clear that the West is changing to suit Islam. The question is, will the West grow a spine and reverse the Islamization process before it is too late?

UK Muslima: I Want to Eradicate”Islamophobes”

Over the past 72 hours or so, I had a lengthy debate on Twitter with a “Muslima” in the UK. During the debate she called me a Nazi, but ignored the fact that Islam and Nazism share a profound hatred of Jews. While I support the Jewish people. She also threatened to sue me for reposting one of her Tweets on Facebook, and went on and on with insults, but could not refute a thing I stated about her religion.