Tag: child marriage

Hypocrisy Alert ~ the UK’s Musa Adnan

Muslim propagandists are the “salespersons” for Islam, and like a shady salesperson they will say anything in order to make what they are “selling’ sound like a great deal. Which leads me to the old adage.

Muslim on Gab Comes out in Support of Prepubescent Marriages

In the past I had proven that Mohammad the so called prophet of Islam was a pervert. Marrying a child, having sex with who was his daughter in law, and encouraging his men to rape and even impregnate captives of war. AKA “right hand possess”. So we shouldn’t be surprised when Muslims support his each and every move.

US Muslim Chaplain to Logan’s Warning ~ Females who hit Puberty at 8 to 12 are no Longer Children…

Yes I know! The headline is absolutely sickening! Unfortunately I have no choice but to report the truth here on Logan’s Warning. No matter how disturbing it is. If you have been following my site this week you probably read my article that exposed US Muslim Chaplain Gareth Bryant’s ungrateful attitude and absolute hatred for the country he resides in. America. As I promised at the end of that article his mindset only gets worse.

UK’s Imran Saeed on Child Marriage ~ Deal With it!

I guess it is safe to assume you have heard about the UK’s child grooming scandal, in which the government, media and police were complicit in the rape/sexual abuse of 1600 girls. Done at the hands of wannabe Mohammad’s.