Tag: California

California: Muslims Look to Double Up Mosque

I truly enjoy bringing my teammates articles that are about victories over Islam no matter where they take place on the planet. I also feel it is my duty to report the bad news on threat Islam as well in order to keep us up to date on the issue.

IslamoBLOB Expanding in California!

Like the Blob, Islam is expanding again, as it is devouring more of America. This time the expansion is taking place in California, and as usual the Mosque does not seemed to be concerned with Muslims assimilating.

Let’s take a look at this growing menace to America.

California: Pro-Sharia Mosque Gets OK to Build 64 Ft Minaret

In another step forward towards the Islamification of America, a Santa Clara Mosque has been given the OK to put up a sign of Islamic dominance, in a 64 Ft minaret. The Muslim Community Association runs the Mosque, and it sure would have been nice if the people of the community, would have taken the time to gather some back round information on them. From the MCA “constitution”…

Oakland: More than 500 Block Israeli Ship From Unloading~ Video

You know the old saying “ignorance is bliss”, well when it comes to Islam ignorance will be the death of life as we know it. What these protesters fail to understand is that the Palestine vs Israel conflict is not about land, it is about Islam. The Islamic scriptures call for Muslims to fight and kill Jews, to reach judgement day.

California: Mosque Calls for Muslim Unity and Sharia

The Masjid Annur‎ Islamic Center located at 6990 65th St, Sacramento CA‎, is doing as many other Mosques, and Islamic organizations in America are doing. They are calling for a united ummah, and promoting Sharia Law. Muslims are not hiding their agenda, and they are fully taking advantage of our freedoms, to advance their religion. The truth is that none of this should be happening, as Islam should have never been granted religion status in the first place. It is more of a political movement than a religion, and Sharia is clearly unconstitutional. If some rules do not change, like the official banning of Sharia, our families future generations are going to suffer because of Islam having religion status.

Oceanside California DMV Bows to Islam

The Islamic onslaught of America continues, and unfortunately non-Muslim continue to bow down to the demands of Muslims. All Americans should be outraged that our brave troops are overseas fighting the violent jihad, and yet our weak government is letting the lawful jihad slowly, tear us apart from within.