239 search results for "immigration"

Robert Spencer & Pamela Geller: Do NOT ban Islam ~ We can Coexist!

That is right, unfortunately you have read the title correctly. I used to be a big admirer of what was dubbed as the “dynamic duo”, and really did not want to have to write this. But I would be failing the anti-Islam campaign if I did not.

Lately the actions of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been very questionable, while showing weak leadership.

Tommy Robinson’s Defection from the EDL has Lead to…

There is much more to Tommy backstabbing the thousands of good EDL members who for years stood with him. It was a victory for Islam and Muslims in the UK, as they are showing him off as the enemy infidel turned ally, first place prize he is. Unless someone is holding a gun to his head, which I highly doubt, he is not smart enough to see what he has become.

Tommy’s new “Friends”

I think it is safe to say that you have heard about Tommy Robinson’s departure from the English Defence League (EDL). But I wanted to add my thoughts to the discussion. Now I understand that some bad elements, Nazis and white supremacists infiltrated the EDL. But he should have tried to weed them out. Maybe he did try, or maybe he did not try hard enough. Either way, he could have just stepped down from the EDL command. Instead, he steps down and then stabs thousands of good EDL members in the back, by joining the Quilliam Foundation. A Muslim “think tank”. There is where my problem with Tommy begins, and this is where my support for him ends.

IPT’s Steve Emerson Shows his Ignorance on Islam!

I have seen more than enough Islamic expansionism in America, to see that we are losing ground to Islam on a daily basis. Two of the main reasons we are losing this war is the reluctance to actually name the enemy, and supply long term answers. Unfortunately many of the most prominent names in this field can do no better than lay the blame on “Islamism”, and promote Dr.Mohamed “Zuhdi” Jasser as the savior of America. But the reality is that Islam itself is the problem, and after all of these years Jasser does not even have one Mosque that supports him. Promoting him is a complete waste of time.

North American Infidel (NAI) Dictionary: “Insidious Islam”

The other evening I took a walk through Times Square NYC, and on a two block span I saw at least 7 woman in hijabs, and one with the Islamic ninja head covering. Eyes only, but it was not black, it was leopard spotted. That night it was raining so because of that, on some of the corners the odor of halal foot reeked more than usual through the air from food carts. These are examples of what I call insidious Islam. Aspects of Sharia seemingly harmless, gradually seeping into our society. One leading to another. Then one day you wake up and realize your neighborhood has changed to suit Islam. This is what happened across Europe. Obviously the violent side of Islam is a threat, but insidious Islam is a greater one. As Muslims have successfully turned our freedoms into tools of Islam.