88 search results for "islamophobia"

The Islamic Suicide of Germany!

On Facebook yesterday there was a lot of talk about an article on German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The article was entitled “Angela Merkel: Germany will become Islamic State!” Off the bat it seemed it was good that she was acknowledging the fate of Germany if Islam and Muslim immigration, are not confronted head on.

Logan’s Warning to Egypt’s President Morsi and Turkey’s PM Erdogan…

Recently marauding Muslims have taken to the streets in acts of rage in countries across the world, such as Canada, Libya, Pakistan, and Sudan. Besides those violent protests there have been more peaceful ones in Canada, Germany and the UK. Some say the reason for the outrage was over a film entitled the “Innocence of Muslims”. But the film itself is not what this is really about it, and violent or not, the message is the same. It is about self-centered, Mohammad protecting, Allah serving Muslims trying to bully non-Muslims into accepting another aspect of Islamic Law. It is about them trying to dictate what non-Muslims can and cannot say within the realm of free speech. Their end game is the complete censorship of the criticism of Islam. Which would eventually amount to a death blow to America herself.

Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….

Last week the insidious Islamic organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MAPC), once again used the freedoms of America against America, and held a teleconference on “Islamophobobia”. Muslims use the term “Islamophobia” as an attack tactic in an attempt to bully those who criticize Islam. What MPAC and other insidious Islamic organizations like CAIR do not tell you is that the term was born in Iran back in 1979 following the Islamic Revolution.

Logan’s Warning Exclusive: Non-Muslims Take to the Streets to Protest Interfaith Con! ~ Video

For years myself and many others here have been speaking out against the suicidal interfaith conferences, that are held between Christians, Jews, and Muslims who are conning them into believing that Islam is non-Muslim friendly.

On Wednesday evening a Logan’s Warning correspondent was planning on attending one of these events.