554 search results for "threat"

Feds Take Lawsuit Against Swift Plant in Support of Islam!

Our pro-Islamic government is at it again, trying to shove Islam down our throats. My question to the non-Muslims in our government who support Islam is this. Do you have any concerns whatsoever, about your families future generations being forced to live under Islamic rule? Patting yourself on the back for being “tolerant”, does not make the the threat of Islam disappear. You are not Houdini, and this is not a magic show. Please think past the day you are in.

Washington DC Imam: Muslims in America are Oppressed~ Video

Here we have another Muslim playing the victim card, and acting like him and Islam are no threat to America. Of course the newswoman did no research on Imam Musa, because if she did, she would have known that he is not the peaceful man he pretends to be during the interview. He is pro-violent jihad (second video down). Either that or she is a Muslim helping him out.

Sharia Law (Islamic Law) 101: Non-Muslims Under Sharia

Whether Muslims takeover through violence or by using our freedoms against us to advance Islam, the final goal is the same. That is an America governed by Sharia Law. While the laws of America are equal for all, Sharia Law discriminates against non-Muslims, apostates, homosexuals, and women. I believe if more Americans knew what Sharia Law demands they would take a stand against it. This will be my first installment on Sharia, and I just want it known that the laws I write about were taken from, the Reliance of the “Traveller, A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law”. The book has the stamp of approval of Al Azhar, the world’s highest learning Islamic school.

Lets Lock Arms and Fight Islam Together! Your Help is Needed

As most of you know I recently moved back to NY. One of the reasons that I moved back is to do my own reporting, as there is an endless list of political meetings and rallies to attend. What I see in the MSM does not cut it. How many times have we seen a reporter say nothing more than “thank you”, after a Muslim states that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism? Apparently most reporters do not have the knowledge, or courage to ask the tough questions about Islam. I have no problem with speaking the truth about Islam, with Muslims and their supporters. Which can be seen in my “Back in the New York Grove: My First Encounter With Muslims in NY” article. This morning I was informed that the New York Daily news had omitted all of my quotes in an article about a proposed Mosque in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn. We cannot rely on the media to help in this fight. So we have to take matters into our hands.

Muslim’s 16 Point Plan on Trying to Silence us by Using the Term “Islamophobia”~ Action Needed!

In attempt to scare off those who speak the truth about Islam, Muslims and their supporters continually toss out the term “Islamophobia”. The other day a Muslim posted a link to the plan on my site, and I am not exactly sure why he or she did it. Either way it is all layed on the website of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago. One of their goals is to try and equate the term “Islamophobia”, with a hate crime. There are numerous points in their plan that we need to counter.

Are the “Radical Muslims” Following a Basic or an Extreme Version of Islam?

Here is another one from our friend, Pastor Louis Palme.

Are the Radical Muslims Following a Basic or an Extreme Version of Islam?
By Louis Palme @ Annaqed.

Not long ago President Obama was interviewed about Africa. When asked about opinions attributing radical Islam’s impact on the development and stability on the African continent, Obama called Islam “a great religion,” but added that the radical version views as anti-Islam “any efforts to modernize, any efforts to provide basic human rights, any efforts to democratize.” (Emphasis added.)

Lets Help Resurrect Tancredo’s Anti-Sharia Bill

Recently I have been posting more and more articles, that document the Sharia movement that is happening within America. Not only do we need to continue educating our fellow Americans to this threat, we need to let our local politicians know how we feel about this. Finally we do have some politicians that are speaking out against this threat, but we need more, much more. I encourage all readers to email their local reps, and let them know about the threat of Sharia. Then ask them to take a look at the anti-jihad bill, which was written by Tom Tancredo two years ago. We need to have this bill resurrected. Thanks for doing your part.

North Carolina: Sharia Academy Kick Off!

One of my goals is to awaken my fellow Americans, to the threat of Sharia taken place within our country. Just minutes ago, I posted an article entitled “NY: Islamic School/Community Teaching Children Sharia”, and now I have come across another Islamic center which is a threat to America. The Islamic Association of Raleigh, 808 Atwater St. Raleigh NC, has announced they will be working with the Sharia Academy of America. The Sharia Academy of America has online courses, as well as branches in Detroit, Houston, Montreal Canada, and Tampa Florida. This event took place in June, but it still needs to be pointed out.