554 search results for "threat"

Dallas: Muslim Students Look to Unite Against Israel

As each day passes, we see the threat of Islam in America growing more and more. From Islamic expansionism in downtown Manhattan, to Muslims suing the state of Oklahoma in favor of Islamic Law, to Muslim organizations in America teaching Muslims how to live by Islamic Law. Unfortunately even Muslim kids are spreading the hatred that stems from Islam, across our great country.

Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to File Suit Against Oklahoma’s Sharia ban

Yesterday when I posted about Oklahoma banning Sharia Law from being used in their courts, I stated that I hoped Muslims would file a lawsuit against this. As it will only expose the internal threat of Islam even more, and the public will get to learn about the true hateful nature of Sharia. I would like to personally thank the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), for helping our side out. Then have shown us they are pro-Sharia, and are a clear enemy of America. So now anytime a US politician supports them this needs to be brought up. Within the law, lets bring CAIR and Sharia down!

UK Nov 27th: The International Islamic Revival Conference

When it comes to the threat of Islam, non-Muslims cannot let their guard down. “Moderate” Muslims are not coming to the rescue, and Muslims across the globe are continuing to unite in an effort to impose Islam on the world. The upcoming Islamic Revival Conference 2010 in the UK is another example of this. My question is this. Why are so many non-Muslims still ignoring the threat of Islam? It is not going to go away, and time is running out.

Obama: Opposing Mosques Could be a Federal Crime

In the past Tennessee Lt. Governor has stated that we need to face the threat of Sharia Law in America, and hundreds of non-Muslims have come out in protest against this proposed Mosque. But none of that matters to Obama and his gang, as here they come to save the day and help advance a religion/ideology that clearly goes against the freedoms of America. I thought you guys were supposed to help the country, not hurt it.

Downtown NYC: Islamic Expansionism, not the Proposed Ground Zero Mosque

Obviously most people know about the proposed Ground Zero Mosque, which is being led by the pro-Sharia Imam Rauf. One more example of Islam on the move in America is the Masjid Mosque (Masjid Manhattan), which is operating in lower Manhattan. Unfortunately they are expanding, and in the process of looking for a new location in the downtown area. When we take a look at their website, right off the bat we see they led by deceitful Muslims.

UK: Muslims and True Brits Clash in the Streets Again~ Video

One again we get a look at what Muslim immigration brings to the West. The true Brits of the English Defense League (EDL), are taking a stand against the whiny Muslims of the Muslim Defense League (MDL). I call the EDL true Brits because they want to keep Britishness in the UK, and will not bow down to Sharia Law. The non-Muslims who support the MDL should be ashamed at themselves, for not even having the guts to stand up for life as they know it.