554 search results for "threat"

UK: Muslims Try to Counter English Defence League

There is no doubt about it, sides are being drawn up and “moderate” Islam is not coming to the rescue. Muslim immigration is a life-threatening disease to the West, and it is very possible that civil wars are on the horizon. Most of the readers here know that Muslims have been on a non-stop mission, attempting to takeover the UK, but recently the English Defence League (EDL) was formed to counter the Islamic movement. To try and push back, Muslims have formed the Muslim Defence League (MDL).

Muslim Visitor: Christopher Logan, you will die…

As most of you know I am just settling in after moving last week, so I have not been able to post much here or check my email. I should be finished with everything today, so I took some time to catch up on my emails. To my delight there were some lovely housewarming gifts left for me, by some new Muslim friends of mine. There is nothing better, than making new friends.

Muslims in Europe Feeling the Heat~ Video

Finally Europe is starting to wake up to the threat of Islam, and Muslims are starting to feel the heat. Hopefully this is just the beginning, and the end to Muslim immigration is on the horizon. But once again, we see Muslims uniting to fight our movement. This is a video update to the, “UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam” story.

UK: Demonstration to Defend the Symbols of Islam

Whether it is conferences in America, Italy, Scandinavia, the UK, or on Facebook or YouTube, Muslims are uniting in their non-stop effort to takeover the West. The question is, will non-Muslims unite in time to stop them? Or will we continue to argue amongst ourselves, as to whether there is even a threat of Islam or not? I urge everyone to ask themselves if they want their families future generations, to be forced to live under Islamic rule? Because that is what is coming, if we lose this war.

Tennessee: Muslims Beat out College, Islamic Center Coming?

Here we go again, and no this is not the 52,000 sq ft Islamic Center, that non-Muslims are fighting against in Tennessee. That one is in Murfreesboro, this one is in Antioch. Non-Muslims are are waking up to the threat, and need to keep up the pressure. Meanwhile our government is supposed to protect us, but they are actually helping the enemy. The great citizens of America, are doing the job our useless government is supposed to be doing. Keep up the great work guys!

New Jersey: The Ground has Been Broken for 17 Acre pro-Sharia Islamic Center

OK my friends this is getting out of control now. Just recently I had posted about two Mosques coming to Ground Zero, a the battle over a proposed Mosque in Staten Island, another battle over a 52,000 sq ft Islamic center in Tennessee, and a Mosque which has obtained approval in Wisconsin. Now I have just found out that the Islamic Society of Central Jersey, is expanding over 17 acres of land. They recently broke ground for the school on May 21st, 2010.

Up Coming Chicago Islam Conference, Calls for World Domination!~ Video

Right under our noses Muslims are uniting against us, and they are not hiding their goal of world domination. Unfortunately most non-Muslims only understand a traditional war, like WWII. They do not understand how Muslims are waging a lawful, non-violent war across the West, in which they use our freedoms against us to slowly takeover. It is our job to pick up the pace, and continue to educate more non-Muslims to the grave threat of Islam. We have to explain how Islam uses democracy to destroy democracy. Here is the information on the upcoming Khilafah Conference taking place on July 11th, 2010, at the Chicago Marriott Oak Brook. They are openly plotting against us at this meeting, and the Marriott needs to hear our voice. Their contact information can be found HERE.