554 search results for "threat"

Portland Oregon: Christians, Jews, and Muslims Rally in Support of Islam

Here we go again. Another Islamic terrorist plot is foiled (Christmas tree lighting plot), and non-Muslims come running out to hear Muslims tell them what they want to hear. That Islam is a religion of peace. Hearing this is much easier for them, than actually facing 1400 years of Islamic terrorism and conquest. The rally took place this past Sunday at the Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland. Lets review it.

Texas Presbyterian Camp Supporting the Religion/Ideology of the Enemy

Just two days ago we learned that a Church in Connecticut allowed its basement to be turned into a makeshift Mosque. Now we see the same type of irresponsible behavior taking place in Texas. The Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Camp in Hunt Texas, is hosting the MYNA Winter Leadership Retreat next week. The retreat is being sponsored by Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

Germany Applies Anti-Nazi Laws on Two Non-Violent Pro-Sharia Islamic Groups!

Well, it’s about time that a non-Muslim country gets it right. I tip my hat to Germany for overcoming the politically correct disease, and doing what is necessary to protect Western Civilization. Back in October Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, stated that Muslims cannot live by Sharia in Germany. At the time I remember several people on numerous sites, saying it was just talk. Considering the fact that the West has more than its share of weak leaders, I didn’t blame them for thinking that. But thankfully, she has proven them wrong.

We Need a Plan

Whether we like or not we are in a war with Islam. While it is mostly a non-violent within America, it is a still war. As their goal is to conquer us. Islam is quickly expanding across the America, and it is very clear that we are losing at this present time. Muslims are beating us, by using our own rules against us. So in order strike back (all within the law of course), we must get more organized and develop a plan. Talking about the internal threat of Islam is not enough. We must try to counter the top five reasons we are losing this war.

Sacramento: Welcoming a $4 million Islamic Center That Teaches Children About the “enemies” of Islam

What is at least one thing that Sacramento and Seattle, have in common? They are both blindly welcoming the ideology of the enemy in. The SALAM Center at 4541 College Oak Drive, is scheduled to move into a new $4.4 million dollar Mosque and Islamic Center this January. The Mosque is led by Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez. The Imam comes off like he has good intentions, but lets take a closer look at his words and Islamic Center.

Poll: Most Muslims Want Islam Involved in Politics

There is no threat of Islam…..there is no threat of Islam. That is what non-Muslim Westerners continually tell themselves. How much more evidence is needed until they step out of their false comfort zone, and face the harsh reality of this issue? A new poll by the Pew Research Center only confirms what most of my teammates already knew. The Sharia push is alive and well. The only question is what are non-Muslims going to do about it?

Seattle: In the Crosshairs of Islam

When it comes to the threat of Islam, far too many people only know of the threat of violent Muslims. That threat is very real, and will only get worse as more Muslims are allowed to come here. But there is an even bigger threat to America than violent Muslims. This threat is the lawful jihad which is being waged upon America. What makes it so dangerous is that Muslims are using the freedoms of America, to slowly takeover from within. This can clearly be seen in the November/December issue of Islamic Horizons Magazine.