281 search results for "Muslim comment"

UK: Muslims Try to Counter English Defence League

There is no doubt about it, sides are being drawn up and “moderate” Islam is not coming to the rescue. Muslim immigration is a life-threatening disease to the West, and it is very possible that civil wars are on the horizon. Most of the readers here know that Muslims have been on a non-stop mission, attempting to takeover the UK, but recently the English Defence League (EDL) was formed to counter the Islamic movement. To try and push back, Muslims have formed the Muslim Defence League (MDL).

Muslim Visitor: Christopher Logan, you will die…

As most of you know I am just settling in after moving last week, so I have not been able to post much here or check my email. I should be finished with everything today, so I took some time to catch up on my emails. To my delight there were some lovely housewarming gifts left for me, by some new Muslim friends of mine. There is nothing better, than making new friends.

Muslim Threat on Logans Warning: Christians Your Time has Come

Here is another example of interfaith dialogue with Muslims, Logans Warning style. This threat is coming from Pakistan. Our so called “ally”

ABUBAKAR KHAN GURMANI 2010/07/02 at 10:15 am

you christians have no humanity. have u forgotten the time when we muslims conquered you people in history and did the mercy whom u can never show.
we muslims has always battle and ruling ethics and u ……….????

Philly: Hundreds of Muslims Take to Streets to Celebrate Islamic Heritage

Recently it seems that every time I turn around, I come across an article about Muslims uniting in America. If Muslim immigration is not stopped soon, they will gain even more confidence through their unity, and their push for Sharia Law will get stronger by the day. This is a never ending war with Islam, it is imperative that Muslim immigration is ended, and Sharia Law is officially banned. They need to be sent a message, that America will not fall to Islam!

NY: Dozens of Muslims Gather to Beat Themselves Bloody~ Videos

Did you guys ever see those pictures in which Muslims are beating themselves to a bloody pulp? Well it is not only happening overseas, it has happened in Jamaica Queens (These videos are from December 27Th, 2009). Members of the Imam al-Khoei Islamic Center located at 89-89 Van Wych Expressway, took to the streets to celebrate Ashura, which is mourning the martyrdom of Imam Hussein. I say this with no offense intended to our great troops, but the WOT is not working. The reason being that, in the end there is little point in fighting them over there, and then allowing them to bring more Islam here. Please do not tell me that Muslims are assimilating in America, because they are not, they are looking to takeover.

Muslim Applauds 911, Death of US Soldiers, Then Drops Threat!

It is clear that more people are speaking out against Islam, it is also clear that more and more Muslims, are not hiding their true hateful feelings towards non-Muslims. Today another “friendly” Muslim, dropped by my site and left this comment. There is not going to be any middle ground, it will be our way of life or Sharia. It is time to fight back. (All within the law, of course.)

Update: Mass. Governor Says Yes to all Muslim Demands!

Here is the update to the “Mass: Governor to Hold Massive Mosque Meeting With 1000 Muslims” article. In today’s political climate, this is no surprise though, and if this were not such a serious issue, this would all be comical. In Governor Patrick we have another cowardly politician, that does not even have the sense to think past the day that he is in, and be concerned about his family’s future generations, being forced to live under Islamic rule. To make matters worse, the Muslims disrespected him by ordering him how to answer, and he went with it. What a weakling. Please call or email his office, and voice your anti-Islamic opinion. The contact info can be found HERE. Thank you.

NY Muslims Hate Filled Reaction To Draw Mohammad Day~ Video

Muslims keep implying that Islam is so strong, yet they continue to be “offended”, by freedom of speech and expression. If Allah is so strong, he should be able to take it. This is from the NY based RevolutionMuslim.com group, which is the group that ignited the South Park controversy storm. Their message of hate continues, and this pro-911 video, is as hateful as they come. We are all on their hit list.