Tag: Victim card

Alert! – “Islamophobia” – Alert!

Part of me has to laugh at how ridiculous this is. As if the poor hatemongers for Allah are always the victim. In all seriousness though, this is yet another example of how selfish the Muslim community is. Because the Koran clearly incites hatred against non-Muslims.

Iranian Students Urge Suspension of Ties With Sweden

Just a few weeks ago Libya’s Gadhafi called for jihad against Switzerland, and now Iranian Muslims have targeted another European country. Muslims continually think that they can dictate the rules to the rest of the world. If Muslims cannot take criticism of their religion, or other freedoms of democracy, that is their problem. We should not be concerned.

Study: Muslims in European Prisons

Earlier today I posted a story about Muslims imposing Sharia Law within the UK prison system. While surfing the Internet, I just came across this study about Muslim prisoners in Europe. Of course much of it is filled with Muslims playing the victim card. They are the masters at that.