Tag: Israel

Pamela Geller & Logan’s Warning “Discuss” the Abraham Accords

Do you remember several years ago when there was a conversation about illegal immigration across America? I do, and that is what needs to happen on the issue of Islam as well. Unfortunately the mainstream media is petrified to touch this issue. You would think that Pamela Geller would be willing to discuss it though.

Ben & Jerry’s Join the Jihad

Since we here at Logan’s Warning are on the topic of the violent jihad that is attacking Israel off and on, we now move onto the useful idiots of Ben & Jerry’s.

Palestinians Celebrate Son’s Death as Martyr Paid Ticket to Heaven ~ Video

Good afternoon friends, this article could have actually been filed under my “Muslim Comment of the day” series. The video is so alarming though and the fact that I am publishing a new segment for that series later or tomorrow I have decided to do this one as a stand alone article instead.

PJ Media ~ Spreading False Hope and Misinformation on Islam and Israel

I have said it over and over, and will continue to do so. We cannot win the war with Islam if we cannot win the war against Muslim propagandists. Which is an endless war. Now to make matters worse the supposedly conservative PJ Media has followed in the footsteps of Rebel News and is aiding the enemy by misleading the public on Islam itself.

London is Falling! ~ Video

As you probably know there was recently a major spike in the violence between Israel and Palestine. Unfortunately and as usual the mainstream media doesn’t explain to the public the cause of the conflict though. Because that cause is Islam itself. Which is basically off limits to criticism in the mainstream media.

Kuwaiti Islamic Scholar Calls for Nukes to Deal with Israel

Wait a second! How can this be? Is the Kuwaiti scholar of Islam not paying attention?! Did he not get the memo?! According to Pamela Geller of the Geller Report, and Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum (MEF), the Abraham Accords (so called peace deals between Israel and a handful of Muslim majority countries) were supposed to bring peace to the Middle East. Obviously they haven’t. In fact they have made things worse.

Pamela Geller Promotes MORE Islamic Terrorism in Israel

Don’t get mad a me friends. I am just going on her words and actions. As I have stated Pamela is in full support of the Abraham Accords. Which are so called peace deals between Israel and handful of Muslim majority countries. Two being the Bahrain and the UAE. Besides the false hope of a peaceful coexistence with Islam, these accords open the door to more Muslim migration into Israel.

Our Saudi “Allies” Call for a World Muslim Meeting Against Israel

Unlike other sites we here at Logan’s Warning don’t play the fantasy Islam game. We also don’t play the we can trust Muslims game. Instead we stick to the harsh realities when it comes to the Islamic threat. No matter how unpleasant they are. Two being that Islam is not going to magically reform, and that giving Muslims the benefit of the doubt is a proven cultural suicide.

Israel is Under Fire! Where are all of the “Experts” now?!?!

Well friends, unfortunately it looks like I was right on another major issue which involves the threat of Islam. Just like I was right when I opposed the Center of Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney back in 2015 when he implied that Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser (yes, that is his first name) was going to lead a reformation of Islam. How did that work out?